Chapter 10

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                                                           Stranger In A Strange Land — Part I

The first thing Flash Sentry noticed when he woke was that it had stopped snowing. A thick blanket of white covered the landscape beyond his window and the slumbering city below it. Though he was no longer a schoolcolt by any means, he smiled like one at the sight, strangely elated by the snowswept hills in the distance.

While dawn began to break over the horizon, Flash began his morning routine. Though he missed Greyhoof and his accompanying conversation, he breezed through each task with ease. With a little extra time on his hooves, he took a few more minutes to shine his armor and brush his mane. He wasn't quite sure why.

Ready to face the day, Flash grabbed his spear, straightened his helmet, and left his room. Celestia's sun had yet to fully rise in the east. He squinted through the dim light and found himself alone.

In the room adjacent to his own, he heard hoofsteps. Princess Twilight Sparkle was probably awake and ready to begin her day of research.

Similarly, it was time for his assigned duties to truly begin.

Flash took one last breath. Here we go.

After clearing his throat, Flash Sentry walked to Twilight's room and knocked.

"Who is it?" Twilight called through the door.

"It's me, Pri—Twilight. Flash Sentry." He spoke slowly, evenly. So far, so good.

The door swung open to reveal a mare who appeared far too cheerful for the hour. Her mane and tail were combed, her feathers glistening from a fresh preening. Though she wore neither her horseshoes nor her crown, she appeared as elegant as ever.

"Good morning! Glad to see you're finally awake!" Twilight levitated a pair of saddlebags onto her back.

"Good morn—f-finally awake?" Just exactly how long have you been—

"Oh, don't worry about it. I always wake up early, especially when I have a big day to look forward to!"

That makes two of us. A small smile on his muzzle, Flash stepped back as Twilight closed and locked her door, then followed beside her in the hallway.

Once they left the hallway and entered the main foyer, Twilight tilted her head at him.

"Something wrong, Twilight?" Flash followed her gaze, which was glued to his weapon. Is it not sharp enough? Does it look unpolished? I know I should've used an additional cannister of polish for both this AND the armor!

"Um... I don't think you'll be needing that, Flash." Twilight pointed at the spear.

Flash raised an eyebrow. "I—I won't?"

Twilight shook her head. "I really appreciate you taking Princess Celestia's order to heart, but I feel pretty safe here."

"W-with all due respect, Princess, what if something does happen where it is necessary? It is far better to have it and not need it, then go without it and require it." Not to mention that this is completely against protocol, even for my post beside the doors of Royal Court...

"That is a fair point, but I've been here a few times before with my friends, and nothing bad has happened. Well, nothing bad has happened to us," Twilight corrected with a chuckle. "I just find it a bit... unnecessary." Nightmare 'Yeah you do' 'Oh shut it you you gave me enough problems last night' Nightmare 'Oh sorry Twilly' Twilight gave a look to the nightmare and Flash noticed but he didn't dwell on it instead 

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