Week 5: Day 4

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It was the night of the rose ceremony. Sasha and Seth, Andi and Phillip, and Jax and Emma were safe because of their dates the week.

Everyone else was already paired up, and Roman was the odd one out.

[Roman Confessional:
"I seriously hope you make me the next Bachelor after this, because you producers have done me dirty."]

That night, everyone lined up in the bungalow. The women had the power of the roses that night, so Chris called Bayley to hand her rose out first.


Next was Maddie, who chose Diego.

Then Alexa, who chose Braun.

Lastly, it was Becky's turn, and it was down between Roman and Sami.

Of course Becky chose Sami.

Roman said goodbye to everyone and then got into the limo.

[Roman Confessional:
"I'm too good for this {bleep}. {bleep} this."]

Meanwhile, Chris made everyone sit down.

"Next week is the last week. You and your partner will decide if you want to leave Paradise single or as a couple. If you decide single, you leave immediately. If you choose as a couple, you must stay for the final rose ceremony. Any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads. The only questions they had were regarding their own relationships.

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