Chapter 10

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"Magnus? How long have you been standing there?" Jace said.

"Long enough. I don't fully understand what's going on, but after Jonathan's outburst at lunch I followed you and Rebecca. What's going on? Why did Rebecca knock out Raj and why do you need to save Alec from Jonathan?" Magnus said.

Jace shared an anxious look with Simon and Rebecca unsure of how much to tell Magnus. Jace was still furious with how Magnus had treated Alec, though he did realise that Jonathan had planted false memories in Magnus it still angered him. Simon and Rebecca both nodded at Jace giving him permission.

"Raj attacked Simon, he was trying to force himself on Simon-"

Magnus looked at Simon in horror, "I'm so sorry Simon I didn't know he was like that". Magnus was best friends with Raj despite Raj's friendship with Jonathan and it shocked him that he could do that. Though what Magnus didn't know was that Jonathan had enlisted Raj to pretend to be Magnus' friend so that he could spy on him for Jonathan.

"It's okay you couldn't have known", Simon said sadly and gave Jace a meaningful look. Jace realized Simon wanted the attention off him so he continued with his explanation to Magnus. Jace thought it was best to leave out the fact that Magnus was really Prince Charming and Alec was Snow White given Magnus' false memories.

"Alec doesn't want to be married to Jonathan, Jonathan forced Alec to marry him".

Magnus felt his heart drop, a few days ago he would never have believed that as Alec had chosen Jonathan over him. But after seeing the way Jonathan had treated Alec at lunch he believed it. This made him question everything. Had Alec really chosen Jonathan instead of him or had Jonathan forced Alec to? How long had Alec been suffering and he had been too angry to realize? A pang of terrible guilt filled Magnus, he had acted horribly towards Alec and his earlier apology didn't feel enough.

"You said you would help us, do you know how?" Rebecca said, it hurt her heart talking to her father when he had no idea who she was to him. But Magnus agreeing to help them was bringing them a step closer to reuniting her family.

"I was thinking that Simon could go to Jonathan and pretend that he and Raj got into a fight and he wants to make up with Raj but he doesn't know how. While Jonathan is distracted by giving Simon advice we go in and get Alec out of his house".

"But Simon and I tried to get Alec to leave with us, Alec was too afraid to leave because of Jonathan", Rebeca said.

"I hate to say this but I may have to kidnap Alec again", Jace said.

"Again?" Rebecca said incredulously at the same time as Magnus and Simon said "What?"

Jace winced, he had forgotten that Rebecca would have been too young to know the real story of how he had met Alec. "Look I'm not letting Alec stay with Jonathan any longer, I will do whatever it takes to save Alec".

Magnus sighed, "I agree with Blondie".

"Hey! Don't call me that", Jace said indignantly.

"Whatever Blondie", Magnus said and smirked when he saw Jace about to retort angrily but cut him off, "Despite my past with Alec, no-one deserves to be in a forced relationship. I would like to talk to Alec first, but if he refuses to leave there may be no other way".

"What are we going to do about Raj?" Simon said anxiously.

"I'll keep an eye on him, if we tell Luke about what happened now he'll arrest Raj and word of that will reach Jonathan and ruin the plan. Don't worry Simon if he tries anything I will beat him up", Rebecca said glaring at the unconscious Raj and tied him up.

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