Chapter 11: Trapped With The Enemy

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Warning: Reader and Lucas bantering

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Warning: Reader and Lucas bantering

The rapid galops of horses made excruciating sound. Everyone's heartbeat was thumping widely, anxious, nervous but also determination. One side had to do everything in their power to keep the book in their possession and the other side wanted to do anything in their power to get the book out of their possession.

Their intense chase prolonged through the deserted landscapes, by small villages and through the tall dunes. The sun was setting, burning their backs as it did so.

"This is never going to stop," the girl expressed worriedly, feeling how exhausted her horse was getting.

"Pull in here," Lucas demanded, the men and the girl followed suit. Their enemies were gaining on them until they were just in reach.

Suddenly, groans and screams alerted the followers as the floor suck down beneath them, engulfing every last one of them.


"No trace of them, my lord," the man bowed on his horse as it nudged closer to him.

What could have happened.

"We've received word, my lord," another one of his men trotted up to him.

"Sign of Lucas and (Y/N)?" he asked hopefully.

"N-no, sir, we have been informed that members of the Unknown Council are getting closer to this domain,"

"Send out scouts, keep an eye on them, if they suspect we know anything about what their plan is, we won't have the advantage anymore." Andrès ordered.

"Yes sir!" the man bowed before moving away from the heard and galloping back towards their temporary home.

"Keep searching, all of you!" The leader then barked to put his men back into focus.


"Where are we?" Lucas grunted, touching the leg on which he landed off. The horses had already scurried away through the numerous gigantic holes around them.

"We have no record of this place," Adriàn frowned suspiciously.

"Given the state of it, it seems no one hasn't had any record of this place in a while," (Y/N) stood up cautiously, scanning around the place.

It almost looked like a library, only it was buried in sand.

"Everything looks intact," Aaron expressed in awe, moving to one bookshelf and feeling the rough edges of the back of one of the books.

"Give us the book!" The rough voice ordered. The men turned around, seeing their enemies already standing and almost indifferent to the new scenery. The 'Jason' man was holding a gun to the girl, who was standing not so far from her group.

"Put the gun down, asshole," Lucas didn't mince his words.

"Look, all of you," (Y/N) groaned, seeing as this whole thing was not leading anywhere, "since, clearly, we can't do each other, can we just have a ceasefire? A-at least until we're out of this place?"

The small scoff she released after her question made it very clear how ridiculous this whole situation was.

"So be it," the buffest man explained.

"Since you know all about us, can you at least share your names?" Lucas expressed bitterly, glaring at this 'Tim'.

"Bruce," the buff man spoke up.

"Dick, Jason, Tim," we get the idea, "how about shortie over here?" Aaron ushered.

"This shortie is going to cut your legs off," the boy snapped.

"Damian," Bruce tried to soothe.

"We should camp out for the night, we won't be able to get out of here without any source of light," the girl instructed, receiving disgruntled signs of agreements from both sides.

Jason lost interest and walked towards the bookshelves, scanning over the book titles.

Another history of Egypt book? He frowned, pulling it out and searching for a comfortable place to lay down and read his book.

"Hungry?" Lucas asked as he sat down beside the girl who stared up at the stars through the hole they had fallen into.

"It's okay, eat it," she dismissed.

"I'm not that hungry and we'll be here all night," the man pushed the small packet of food to her.

"Tell you what, the first one who's hungry gets to eat it," (Y/N) proposed. His eyes narrowed suspiciously, knowing she would let herself starve and not say anything just so he could have a little food in his stomach.

"Fine," he decided to keep an eye on her until he could tell she was getting hungry.

"Old Man," Jason spoke softly and gestured for him to approach when his eyes met his. He raised a questioning eyebrow as he peered over his shoulder.

"It says here that once the Order Of Serpents were the crusaders of the land centuries ago," he whispered, trailing a line under the words he was reading with his fingers. Bruce frowned.

"No, that can't be right," he pulled the book out of Jason's hand and walked away, reading it.

"Don't worry, I wasn't reading that," The raven haired man grumbled exasperatedly. Dick smirked.

"What do you find so amusing?" Jason sassed.

"Your face," he snorted.


"They are not here," Andrès groaned after scouting the village thoroughly, he couldn't care less how many suspicious gazes he drew to himself. He gestured towards one of his men, lifting his lantern up to light up a small portion of his features.

"I want you to round up everyone and surround the town, start spreading outwards, we might find something," the leader sighed, "alas, the desert is a cruel and merciless place, it's no surprise nothing survives here for long, keep your chin up but still stay low, this hostile environment just might become more dangerous!"


The girl shivered burying herself against the sand as she hugged herself tightly. The cold was seriously getting to her now, it always scared her how cold the desert could be during the hot and mercilessly hot during the day.

"Come here kid," Lucas pulled the girl into his side.

"I'm not a kid, I'm barely five years younger than you," she frowned but not pulling away because of how warm he was.

"Uh huh, sure," he snorted.

"I will fight you!" she warned.

"I know you would, now sleep, Andrès would kick my ass if he didn't let me babysit you,"

"You're really asking for it now aren't you?!" the girl flicked his forehead.

"Sleep oh my goodness," he groaned, slapping her head.

"Okay, okay," she squeaked in surprise, nuzzling his shoulder, "don't snore like a pig," the girl teased.

"Clearly you've never been in proximity of me sleeping," he murmured, closing his eyes.

"Thank god, otherwise I would have to witness your snoring," she whispered, chuckling. A small smile appeared on his lips before he slowly dozed off into sleep.

Let's hope we can get out of here tomorrow, was his last thought as he feel asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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