Chapter 10: His Cover Is Blown

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A/N: Sorry it took so long again, I plan to move a lot faster with this series!

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A/N: Sorry it took so long again, I plan to move a lot faster with this series!

"I knew something was off about you!" Lucas sneered. The so-called Thiago stayed silent, "After everything Andrès has offered you, after all the pity you made everyone feel to get you hired, you stab everyone in the back?"

"Lucas, don't get too distracted," the girl instructed under her breath. He gave her a side glare that wasn't aimed at her.

"Why do you want this book?" Aaron's eyes narrowed sharply.

"Same reason as you," the man in the red tinted hood gritted his teeth.

"If it's the same reason, why are you getting in the way?" Adriàn stood tall, shielding Lucas and the girl.

"Because you're not going to use it appropriately."

"Let me guess, little rat here told you huh," Lucas snapped.

"Watch it!" The blue one interjected.

"You sound familiar," (Y/N)'s head tilted to the side in thought, "come to think of it, your body structure looks just as such,"

"That's because we've danced together," The man moved his hood back. She nodded in response, containing her surprise as her eyes scanned over his sunlit features.

"But you don't remember me sweetheart?" The red hooded man teased. She raised an unimpressed eyebrow. He repeated Dick's action and smirked as her eyes narrowed.

"You're the Jason guy from the library, you were spying on me?"

A satisfied grin tore on his face as he nodded slowly. (Y/N) shook her head disapprovingly before ignoring him.

"And you," her eyes glanced to the buffer man, "we've met haven't we? And Andrès as well,"

The person in question remained silent for a few moments before giving her a small nod.

"What?" Lucas eyed her briefly.

"You know that strange flashback I had a while ago when I was nearly taken from the castle and Andrès saved me?" She whispered. He nodded in remembrance, "I think that was him."

His hard icy expression returned as he handed the book back to the girl.

"What's your name?" He demanded, pointing to the traitor, "your real name!"

The second youngest gazed at the buff man who gave an approving nod.

"I'm Tim," he murmured.


"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Mia expressed worriedly.

"I am feeling the same concerns," Andrès sighed, gazing on the vast desert.

"Should we assist them my lord?" One of the assassin's bowed.

"Yes, I will come as well," Andrès stood up, bowing to Mia before walking out of the office.


"Plan?" Aaron asked the girl. She shook her head and glimpsed to one of the dominant male figures she grew up with.

"Our best best is to outrun them, we have a mission and we can't delay too much, The Unknown Council is on our tail as well and they are catching up. Besides, they seem to have decent training, if they exhaust us too much we won't be able to get back tonight." Lucas explained as Aaron and Adriàn leaned in to understand the plan.

"(Y/N), you take the book and run since you're the fastest runner between us, Adriàn, you follow her and make sure none of these idiots get to her, make sure her path is clear."

The two people nodded before Lucas patted the last assassin's shoulder.

"Aaron, you're with me to buy them some time, we don't know how good they are yet, we've only had a glimpse."

"Understood," the man agreed. Lucas stood in front of (Y/N), as did the two other men to shield her from their view. Swiftly, Lucas dropped a smoke pellet, on themselves and in the group of strangers and quickly dissipated.

"Spread out!" The buff man barked. Jason and Dick caught a glimpse of fabric flying through the air and instinctively followed it.

Unfortunately, they had managed to catch up to Adriàn and (Y/N).

"Watch your back," Adriàan announced as he jumped on a pillar and ran on the rooftop. The girl kept her low profile, running through the town, not caring of the numerous stares that were sent her way. Despite the traffic in the streets, she was able to move around them skillfully without wasting time. The distance between her and two of their enemies didn't decrease.

She mentally cursed as she perceived a high wall she would not be able to get over with the book in hand. The girl would need to get some more height if she would get away from them. Glancing up at the rooftop Adriàan was running on. He gazed down at her, nodding at her.

"Do your arm thing," she instructed, jumping on a horse carriage with a few stacks of hay and reaching her hand out midair. The man caught it expertly and swung his arm up. (Y/N) landed on her feet on the rooftop, nodding to him in thankfulness as he threw her off the ground and onto the adobe houses.

They ran so fast and so lightly, their feet barely touched the ground.

"How are we supposed to buy time, I'm sure they have horses as well," she panted as Andriàn struggled to keep up with her.

"Just follow my lead," another voice reassured as the familiar green hood jumped beside her and the crimson one landed beside Andriàn.

(Y/N) nodded to Lucas.

"We lost the two shortest ones, so keep an eye out," Aaron warned. The girl felt her lungs burn and the unpleasant taste at the back of her throat as the lactic acid accumulated on her tongue. She grimaced as they jumped over the tall wall in unison and landed on the floor.

Each in their own comfort, they made their way up to give them an advantage. The girl's petite figure enable her to race through two houses that were particularly close together.

As predicted, one of the opponents blocked the other side of the narrow corridor that had been created.

This is her chance. She turned ever slightly to pounce on the wall and then the wall on the other house. Maintaining her pattern, the girl was able to move further away from the dirt floor.

"Heh," a small chuckle rumbled in her throat as a smirk etched itself on her lips. She was hovering just above the man's face.

Without a moment of hesitation, she jumped on him, using her forehead to hoist herself on the rooftop and catch up with her friends.

"How you doin' boys?" she snorted before they all jumped down off after the limit of the town and rushed to their horses. The girl dared a glance behind her to confirm her suspicions. All five of them were still on their tail, their scrappy running gesture suggested that they were barely keeping up.

"(Y/N), you first!" Lucas instructed as he pulled a dagger out. The girl followed suit, jumping on her horse and rapidly pulling her reigns and rushing off. The two other men followed suit. Lucas scanned around, seeing five horses at the other end and threw his blade at it. It cut through all of the reins, setting the animals free. He whistled loudly, distressing the poor beasts as they raced away fearfully.

He finished his escape by landing on his horse and rushing to catch up with his groups.

His rich attempt worked well as he perceived them rushing to get back to their horses to follow them.

Then, the intense race continued on horseback and into the desert.

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