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"You are unfair." The sulky tone in his voice could almost have been considered comical as he followed me into the meeting room to discuss battle tactics.

I just chuckled and turned his cheek with one of my gloved hands, admiring my handiwork as he glared. "You needed to be punished anyway, not rewarded. Flavio just...set me back on track, I suppose."

He snorted. "Please, you were willing to 'punish' me - just in a different, more enjoyable fashion - before he walked in. And quite frankly - " Here, his pout turned up into a suggestive smirk - "I would think you were going to like it if I didn't know any better, Luci - agh!" He choked as I brought one of my hands to his throat - the other holding a knife to him - shoving him against the wall hard enough that a dent formed where his head hit it.

"Never imply something like that ever again. I do not love," I scoffed, sneering the word as I looked at him and he stared stonily back at me. "Love is an emotion felt only by the weak, not I - I am above such a disgustingly soft-minded thing."

He regained his breath in a calm manner once I released him, though he rubbed his neck with an angry glare directed at my back as I dismissively turned from him to walk into the conference room.

Kuro greeted the pair of us with a flashy smile, and not for the first time I rolled my eyes at his bold manner as he eyed the pair of us, clearly having heard the exchange outside moments ago. Before he could speak on the matter, however, I quickly delved into the topic on our latest weapons and torture devices that had just arrived for testing, as well as the extensive number of prisoners rotting miserably in the dungeons, bored to death - which did earn appreciative chuckles of a more sadistic nature - but that would be more than willing to volunteer for our little experiments on what knives were sharpest, what flame throwers hottest, what poisons tastiest.

It was going to be a fun week after all.

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