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Of course, the next day Lutz arrived to training on time-unwilling to try his hand at maddening me yet further-and I pushed him all the harder to run faster, longer, harder, and with no breaks for him to sit his lazy ass down and quickly try to play with me in another of his new ways. Instead, I did not concede the efforts of neither him nor Kuro, simply demanding more until hours had passed in the hot sun with me drilling relentlessly in angered screams of demand and command. Only after even I was reaching my limit's ends did I call for an end to the day's training, and I rushed inside before either of my allies could so much as exchange a single word with me.

I went straight up to my room, struggling not to implode at the building emotions I refused to acknowledge that were attempting to express themselves in me.

However, the moment I stepped into my room, I was swift to trip over several objects I did not recognize as my own that were cluttering the doorway, and I cursed the lazy German who persisted in sharing a room with me, but who refused to clean up after himself.

And naturally, who should stroll in behind me-looking incredibly nonchalant, despite that he must have had to run to keep so close apace to me, and that he was truly on the brink of laughter at my near fall-than the German responsible himself?

"What the hell is this, bastardo?" I cried in exasperated fury, completely fed up with the slothful man making his way past me to the lounging couch in the center of the room not far from the bed. He did not even grant attention to my yell, merely continuing on his way in peace as I released a string of curses in my tongue at his arrogance.

"Bastardo, I am talking to you!" I exclaimed, beyond infuriated now as I had to march over to where he had laid down on the piece of furniture. He turned his gaze to me, though he showed no fear-merely a dangerously playful expression that seemed to be challenging me as I fumed, ready to explode.

"If you must know, Luciano, those are toys. That is a dildo, those three are vibrators, that's a riding crop, the whip is next to it, and the tapes are all porn, obviously." And he couldn't contain a smirk as I felt heat rush to my face and I stood speechless for half a moment at his derisive response.

"Do you want to be punished?" I finally demanded, after running through a rainbow of colorful words I hurled at the man completely unaffected by the insults and curses.

"Yes." Was his simple answer, and I abruptly stopped myself, coming to a complete standstill and feeling myself working to a turning point.

He wanted to be punished? Fine: I would punish him.

I let a feral grin slide onto my face as most of my maddening rage slipped away in that moment, and I looked down at Lutz's reclining body at rest in a way that could only be described as predatory.

"Ve~maybe now we will learn not to put things back where they do not go," I growled, but in a much different way than I usually did as I climbed on top of Lutz, who was definitely looking up at me with lust buried hopefully in his eyes. I abstractedly wondered if what I was about to do would really only encourage him further, but I had too much pent-up and growing feeling shit to deal with that thought; I was just going to release some of it for the best of myself, never mind that bastard Lutz and his own emotions and the effect I might have on them with my actions.

However, as one of my knives toyed suggestively along the hemline of his clothes-only applying enough pressure to the stitching to be noticed, yet not rip a single thread-there came a knock at the door. Growling in my much more familiar way, I barked at whoever it was to come in, though I did not move from on top of Lutz, impatient to send whoever it was away so I could quickly return to the task I had at hand.

I instantly regretted that, though, as my older brother strutted in, about to say something before he stopped himself completely, mouth hanging open as he removed his rose-colored designer shades to get a proper look at the pair of us as I now hastily got off my prey and Lutz sat up with an amused expression he was quick to hide from my furious gaze.

"Flavio, this is not what it-"

"I knew it!" he yelled excitedly. "I knew you liked him! Oh my goodness, Luci, this is-"

"Don't call me that, bastardo!" I flung a knife at him, but he just dodged to the side of it, not caring much at all as he continued on smoothly as though I had done nothing-and true, the action had hardly even caused a ripple to his "fabulous" silk scarf. The only acknowledgement of my outburst was a frown-which he was swift to wipe away, for fear of undesirable wrinkles forming prematurely on his model face-and a playful finger wag and half-strict admonishment to, "Not say naughty words, fratellino!" And then, he was off again about how adorable his little fratello was, and how cute of a couple we were, and how we were just about to-

"We are not together!" And I pushed him out of the room-to the shocked shouts of "Don't ruin this suit, it's brand new, for the fall fashion line!" and "Watch out, you know these shoes are real leather!" and finally, "Be sure to use protection!"-before I had at last shut the door in his face. I turned-slightly flustered, completely out of character-and saw Lutz's face as he fought to keep it his typical impassive mask of nonchalance, though he was on the verge of bursting into laughter.

I wanted to scream at him for it, but instead I acted on a much better idea, and grinned wickedly at him as I advanced smoothly back to his side-instantly, his smile was wiped from his face, and the hungry look returned to his eyes as I crawled back on top of him, even slower than the time before, and pushed him down roughly to bring my mouth close to his ear.

"Lutz?" I barely muttered, and I felt him shiver in anticipation, though he was slightly uneasy about the look I had in my eyes still.

"Yes, Luciano?" he breathed.

"You are in trouble." My voice instantly returned to normal-actually shooting past it, towards my sadistic gleeful tone-and Lutz had no time to struggle away before my knives were already out.

2P GerIta: FallingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora