14.. Hidden Love Was Blooming.

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Donna paced her toe inside a beautiful, exotic, astonished room decorated with rose petals. She was stumped why the whole room was embellished and garnished.

" What happened Mrs. Douka? Shocked! Its a thunderclap for you!" Alessandro whispered near her ear in his hoarsy voice.

"I am Donna de Costa, why are you calling me Douka?" shivered by such intimacy, she said.

" How have you forget! you are my wife now." He rasped in his ear standing behind her.

Baffled she uttered, " oh! But becoming your bride, it doesn't mean I will change my identity."

"um..I am not saying to change your identity baby." He huskily whispered.

"What is this baby!" She snapped.

"my given name to you. After all you are my wife. Can't I give you my endearment name to you! " His thick and coarse voice generated tingling sensation and shiver in her whole body.

" Don't baby me! do call whatever but not baby." She said.

"ok.. Mrs. Douka! By the way, do you like the room?" He asked in amazement.

"Ya.. but why it is beautifully cherished and embellished with rose flower?" She asked in bewilderment.

" Oh! Don't you remember we are married? And what we expected to do this night?" He sighed a long husky breathe in her ears. She was flustered and trembling, she paced forward.

Donna set on a sofa in the room, awkwardly. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head up, wondering everything was changed now.

" So, Donna now you are happy because you got your profit!" He mocked her sitting on the king size bed, which was adorned for their memorable night, opening his most expensive and branded footwear.

Listening his words, she looked mystifically at his site.

What does he mean?

" What are you saying? " She snapped at him.

" Truth, this is what you want! You want profit and money. You are only real for money; relations and commitments doesn't matter you. Am I right? Even you can ditch whom you love just for this profit, darling. "

She was baffled.

What is he saying? May be he is right, I forget him.

You don't want this marriage! "she exclaimed.

" Absolutely! "

" then deny the marriage before!" She stood from her place and said simply like it didn't effect her much.

" oh! I don't have any option. My father compelled me. You could also deny because as far as I know you didn't want this marriage, you have a reason too. No you only wanted this alliance for the profit." He rudely accused her with baseless points.

billionaire's loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz