way to korea

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Heights one of my worst fears yet here I am on a plane on my way to korea meeting my future foster parents. The people that took me from my real parents won't tell me who they are or anything. I'm just hoping that I'm not getting sold for sex or something I have no trust for anyone and never have.

We land in korea a place known for a war and boy bands. A place I have no knowledge of except for the language which I was forced to learn.

"Okay they live a little ways from here so we will have to take a taxi." My social worker says looking at a clipboard.

"Let's just get this over with and go back to America." I say .

"You aren't going back to America you have to stay here with your foster parents."

"What no i will die here."

"Sorry (y/n) but that  is how it is going to be."

"We met a few hours ago and i have a burning hate for you." I say keeping my normal straight face. A car pulls up in front of us.

"Let's go." She says. We get in the car.

"Do you know who BTS is?" She asks

"No they sound annoying." I say she hands me her phone.

"Use your headphones you keep around your neck." I grab the head phones and plug them in. I Start the video there are seven Korean men dancing in crappy weather and singing about how someone needs to save them.

"Their not bad." I says as I hand her phone back.

"Thats good I guess." She says then stops talking. We drive for what feels like forever.

"Here we are." The social worker says and opens the door I look at a really tall building that look expensive to live in. I gulp starring in awe.

"Go grab your bags please." I do as told and grab them. I look at her as she starts walking towards the building I fallow. We walk though the spinning door I open my eyes wide i look at the room the rug red and a giant chandelier hanging above us.

"Here you go ma'am." A crappy Korean accent snaps me out of my train of thought. We get in a elevator that is made of glass so you can see every thing outside. I look out the thin glass and feel my breakfast rising in cover my mouth and turn around quickly.

"Their on the top floor." She says and I feel even more sick. The death trap stops and I look out in the hall there are two doors straight across from each other.

"They said this is the one." She says opening the left door.

"Wow do they have a death wish leaving there door unlock for anyone to walk in to -holy shit this place is fucking huge what do they do for a living the last place I was in that is this nice and big was my mom's pimp/drug dealers house." I say in awe.

"(Y/n) language and I'm not allowed to tell you what they do."

"Oh great I am going to be sold of sex fucking great where's a gun when you need one." I say with so much sarcasm I swear you can taste it.

"They will be here any second now." She says as I start to hear the elevator ding and the loud gross sound of laughter fill the hall. 'oh god they have other children well they sound more like teenage boys.' They all burst though the door completely ignoring the fact that we where standing right in front of them.

Haha cliff hanger

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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