Chapter 3: Lake House

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Kara's POV

Hopefully we are only on the road for a bit more.

***Time Skip to when The Pearsons, Kara and Kaz make to the Lake House.***

We finally make it to the Lake House. We all start to get out of the car, Bethany eyes something. "And there's the pool. See ya!" She headed off into the direction of the pool.

Hannah jumps out and was excited for some reason. And she was talking about someone. "We beat Uncle Nate! Yeah!" I have no idea who Hannah is talking about. Kaz and I get out. I turn to Kaz. "Who is Hannah talking about?" Then Hannah comes back with a flower in her hand. And she puts in my hair pulling it back.

"I have no idea." Kaz answers.

Tom get out while Mr. and Mrs. P were starting to get the stuff out of the back of the car. "I got it, Tom. Don't worry. Nice, huh?" He asks.

"Yes. Um, Mr. and Mrs. P do you think you could tell Kaz and I were our rooms are?" I ask.

Mr. P hands my suitcase to me and he hands Kaz his suitcase. "Since we are the first, you guys can pick out your own rooms."

"Ok." I respond.

Kaz and I were about to go inside but Tom faces the house and then turns back around to his dad.

"I hope there was a discount for booking us into the most boring spot in the whole country." Tom said trying to act cool. I hate when Tom does this, and I have mentioned that before. Here he is back again with that emotional 180*.

"We're only a stone's throw away from at least a half dozen top-notch fishing lakes." Mr. P said. Fishing? You have got to be joking. I hate fishing cause I find it boring. But whatever.

"Are we near a time machine so we can go back?" Tom asks.

"Hey, I bought us all new Side stop reels. Anti-Reverse technology." Mr. P. Oh jeez. Why does that so boring. But I am not gonna say anything.

Here we go with Tom trying to act cool. This is getting tiring. "Lame." We all walk in the house and Tom points out a fish above a door. "So lame."

Anyway, we all walk upstairs to the rooms. I look at a few rooms before I find one. The walls were blue. The curtains were white and blue. There were blue bean bag chairs. A small seat was blue and a lot of stuff was blue. I unpack everything.

I go outside with Kaz for a bit. I was trying to help Mr. P unload something from the car. Another car pulls up. It almost hits me but I hear someone. It was my brother, Kaz. "Kara, Watch out." He then pulls me out of the way, "Are you okay?"

"I am." I answer.

The two side doors of the car opens. A kid, blondie, gets out of the passengers side. "Nice landing, Nate."

And then an adult steps out of the car. I think he is blondie's dad. "Told you I could fishtail this thing."

Mr. P walks over to the man, I think his name is Nate. "Nice try, Nate, but you just missed my kids."

"Are you sure you are okay, Kara?" Kaz asks.

"Yes. I am, Kaz. I will be inside." I answer, yet again. I head inside the house and Kaz. Kaz was unpacking his stuff and I was trying to work on as song.

Jake's POV

We finally made it to the Lake house. Someone was helping Uncle Stuart take something out of the back of his car. My dad, Nate, almost ran into some girl. Some boy told her to watch out. Nate and I didn't really realize we almost hit her with the car. I told him it was nice landing. Nate said told you I could fishtail this thing. Uncle Stuart told Nate that he just missed the kids with the car. The girl and boy who I don't know walk inside the house. Nana comes out of the car. "But he did almost give your mother a heart attack. Again."

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