Fear of the Lord

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Fear of the Lord, what does this truly mean?
How can I fathom what cannot be seen?

You are my Father sitting in heavenly places.
Angels gather around hiding their faces.

Unto you do they offer all respect.
For looking upon you, would cause their death.

Your fury is mighty and your judgment is sure.
How can a sinful man like I endure?

Your word cleaves flesh and spirit in two.
Leaving us naked and bare, bowing before you.

What hope do I have before a judge whom is pure?
Against your perfect word, my fate of destruction stands secure.

But the price for my soul has been paid.
Upon you was my punishment laid.

Our Father was appeased and my debt was clear.
Now I may approach His throne without fear.

Not having to stand before Him alone.
For upon me is His mercy now shown.

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