ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ : ᴠᴏᴡᴇʟs 𝟷

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In Korea, they have 26 letters

ㅓㅏㅗㅜ ㅕㅑㅛㅠㅐㅔㅣ ㅡ = these being the vowels

ㅂㅈㄷㄱㅅㅁㄴㅇㄹㅎㅋㅌㅊㅍ= and these being the consonants

I'll start of with vowels

1.) ㅏ - a
It's pronounced like when you say 'bat' -ish

2.) ㅑ- ya
Adding an extra line to a letter gives it a 'y' or a 'y' sound
It's pronounced like ㅏ except with a y in front of it

3.) ㅓ - eo
It might be a little hard to pronounce, but it kind of sounds like a 'u' kind of sound, but more like saying 'eo' at the same time

4.) ㅕ- yeo
(For some reason, it keeps switching fonts so ignore that)
Same rules apply from before, adding an extra line to a letter makes a 'y' sound in front of it

5.) ㅗ - o
sounds like an o, like when you say : what letter is this —> o

6.) ㅛ - yo
sounds like when you say 'yo' the slang word

7.) ㅜ - u
makes an 'ooo' and 'u' sound. Like in the word 'zoo'

what's the 8th one ? You guessed it

8.) ㅠ - yu
sounds like the word 'you'

Well, in this chapter, you've learned 8/26 letters out of the korean alphabet, next chapter we'll have a little review. Let's see if you remember ;] until next time, 안녕 !!

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