Now we're spawning from a special kind of hell...

Start from the beginning

I run down the hallway, pushing open the door, and the same hallway reappears.

"WHAT IS THIS HELL HOLE?!" I yell and run to the end of the hallway, but only the same hallway greets me. IT'S LIKE AN ENDLESS LOOP!

I kick and punch every door down that comes in my way, just hoping that I come out somewhere else.

After a lot of doors one opens before I can reach it and a bright, purple light shines into the mansion. I can't stop in time and run out of the mansion, almost stumbling over my own feets.

I take a few steps and look around. As I turn around, the mansion disappears and leaves sparkles behind. I'm still in the forest, but in a way brighter and mystical version. All of the plants and the ground are in purplic colours.

As I move my hand I notice the same particles coming out of my hand that the house left behind. More I move my hand, more sparkling particles appear. I stand still and only move my hand around. Maybe this is a good sign? That I'm just dreaming? I close my eyes in hope.

I see through my closed eyes that the light becomes darker. I'm definitely moving...

I open my eyes, only to be greeted with darkness. I look around, but there's nothing but darkness.

Suddenly a big, bride light appears, blinding me. I hear a hammer smashing on something above me. I cover in fear as a lot of people start to talk. 

I blink a few times to get my vision back. The floor is covered with white and black tiles, like on a chess field. It seems like I'm standing in front of a big wooden platform. I look up, seeing a judge, looking at me with the most angry look I've seen in years. 

I look around and see people standing around me, looking at me with the same look. I know every single one of them...

They start to whisper words...bad words.

"Traitor, Monster, Criminal, Psycho..." all this words echo theough the room and get louder. I look around and cover my ears in panic.

"Guilty!" they start to yell at me and hear a the judge hammering on the wooden platform. They continue to yell at me.

"STOP IT! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?!" I close my eyes and yell to the ground. Suddenly I hear big and heavy slams next to me. Like something heavy flew on the ground. Everyone shuts up immediately.

"You only listened to your own rules, Nathan Sharp..." my voice echoes through the room.

"I did what?!" I open my eyes and look up, seeing my four versions in front of a cage.

All the people are gone. Only I and my 4 versions, alone. This is gonna be bad...

"What is this bullshit?! Let me out!" I pull at the bars but they don't move an inch.

"Oh no stay right there where you are..." Phan gives me a strict and angry look.

"Why?! What have I done to be like your precious pet?!" Mare grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

"You're the reason why you and we are dead. You were selfish and ignored our warning."

"No I didn't! I tried to get away in time, but she didn't let me! I've tried my best to get out!"

" do you dare to lie in this situation?" he tightens the grip around the collar.

"I don't lie! It's the truth! Please!" he drags me to him and with that against the bars with full power.

"I'm done with this liar. Have fun with him, but don't even come on the idea that I'll trust and forgive you..." he drags me one last time against the bars and throws me back against the bars on the other side of the cell. Then he disappears in the shadows.

"I-I don't wanted a-any of this...please..." I tear up as I look to the other 3 that still look at me with the same look.

"Between wanting it and doing it, is a big difference, my friend..."

"I know...and I regret every decision I made...I'm so sorry..." tears are running down my face, but it looks like they don't care.

"I'm sorry Nathan, but your apologize comes pretty late...I'm done with him too." he gives me one last look and then disappears in the shadows.

I curl up to a ball, crying in my knees. Not that I lost my friends, but I kinda lost myself...

"Are you crying to convince us or are you just a big cry baby?"

"How the hell do you think does it feel when even your own selfs hate you, huh?!" I stomp over to him and stare at him, but seems not to care.

"For you, every hope comes to late, I'm done with you, Sharpie!" he spits in my face and disappears in the shadows. I wipe his spit out of my face in anger. But this anger disappears as I notice that only my older version is left.

"Nathaniel please I-" he slaps me in the face, pulling me against the bars.

"You don't have the right to call me like that. You're not me anymore. Not Nathaniel, not Nathan Smith, not Nathan Sharp, not are nothing..." he removes his glasses. It's like I would look into a mirror.

I say nothing. I just look at him with a pleading look.

"You will stay here for eternity. We just came to say goodbye..." he throws me to the ground and disappears in the shadows.

I crawl into the corner of my cage, curled up like a ball. I'm in hell... I'll never leave this place again... I'm just destined to stay here...


Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Where stories live. Discover now