The madness never ends.

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Matt sits in chair for quite a while, unfortunately for him, he's awake. He doesn't even know for how long he already sits here. Maybe minutes? Hours? Days? It doesn't matter for him, it just feels like an eternity.

NateMare didn't show up for a long time. He has come only once since he tied Matt to the chair and then immediately disappeared again. Matt could tell that at his hard steps because they woke him up. And he regrets it so much.

He would rather go back to sleep and not worry, but with NateMare's small appeareance, that's no longer possible. The fear that NateMare can come and torture him at any moment makes him just paranoid.

He's scared by the smallest noise and even by his own movements. The silence is the real problem for him. If there's no sound, then nobody would come and rescue him. NateMare could kill him silently and slow and nobody would notice it.

The ropes, the blindfold and the rag around his mouth don't make the situation better. Their are knotted so tightly, that he gets more and more claustrophobic with every breath he takes.

Then he hears the footsteps again...the same footsteps that he had heard before...NateMare's footsteps...and they are coming closer. Matt's breath and heartbeat increases rapidly. Deep chuckles start to echo through the room and the person to who belong the footsteps has almost reached him.

Matt starts to shake uncontrolable, he tries to control it as hard as he can, so that the ropes don't burn into his skin, but with no success. The big amount of noises just makes it impossibile to control his shakyness.

Suddenly all the noises disappear, like somebody simply turned them off. But this doesn't make the situation better, it makes it much worse. Matt knows that NateMare is here, he doesn't need the noise to tell him that.

Suddenly a phone ringing sound starts to come from his right side and a hand touchs his right shoulder. Matt jumps in surprise. He didn't expect that NateMare was already behind him. Probably he went behind him while was distracted by the ringing sound.

Then the phone stops to ring and Matt feels something hard and cold pressed against his ear. Probably the headset of the phone.

"Hello, Hello!" 

A voice with a old-fashioned filter starts to talk. A little spark of hope starts to fill Matt's heart and mind. Maybe this person knows where he is and can help him. Please, say that this is a real call.

"Ok listen! I have no idea where you are and how you got there. What I do know is, that guy you have seen last night, he is bad news! But some good news: If you're hearing this, chances are you're still alive! Look, just stay calm and if you can, avoid him at all costs. Do your best to hold out until morning. Please...just...Stay Alive!"

Matt starts to shake as the headseat is being moved away from his ear. His hope is still there, but it's very small. It's probably impossibile that somebody would find him.

Suddenly loud music starts to blast through the room. Matt recognizes the melody of the song immediately, but he just hopes that this isn't that what he thinks. Nate talked with Matt about that song a long time ago. He wanted to make a Music Video for the song and came up with a VERY similar idea, it was the exactly same situation that he's now into. 

"No...please...not Mangled...everything, but, not, Mangled..." he thinks to himself in hope that the melody is just very similar. But his hope shatters when NateMare sings the first line of the song.

"We're back! Revamped! The madness never ends!" NateMare starts to sing the song.

"We're not alone! This time brought some friends!"

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon