I know I'll drown yet I'm begging for more...

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"So...how does it work?" he turns to the others.

"You firstly need to create a folder where all your experiences will be saved. Write them down and think about them while you do it." Nate immediately starts to type.

"After that you can just select the experience and you just need to go into the tube and close your eyes. Then you will feel like you're really in this situation. Jessica is the same age as you there."

"Wow...you're impressive..." Nate looks the others, still looking with fascination. 

"But don't stay in there for to long...after like 2 experiences, your brain takes a big amount of damage. You can get out of the experience when you're 50 foot away from Jessica. It does show you if you're in the first or second one and how far you're away from Jessica on your arm, so check it when you can." Phan looks at the time. In 5 minutes it's Midnight.

"Guys...I think we need to go now..." he sighs and jumps off of the table.

"Wait...you said that this was your last decision...but why was it your last one?" Nate turns around.

"Because we know what will happen, but we can't tell you what..." Nathaniel smiles slightly.

"So...this means I won't see you again?" he somehow tears up.

"Unfortunately yes..." Bones smiles sadly. Nate immediately walks over to him and hugs him.

"T-Thank you...." he whispers.

"No problem Nathan. We're always there for you..." he smiles widely. Nate lets go of him and moves on to  Phan.

"Don't forget your cane, without it you're someone completely different..." he smiles widely and hugs Phan.

"Never!" he laughs deeply and lets go of Nate, which moves on to Mare.

"Control this childs here!" he gives him a Brofist and hugs him.

"Don't worry! I'll have them under control..." he gives Nate a little headbutt, laughing. Then Nate finally moves to Nathaniel.

"Any last words?" he smiles and takes Nathaniel's glasses off.

"Don't try anything stupid kid!" he laughs and hugs him. 

Nate lets go of him and all his versions walk to the other side of the room, stopping right in front of a shadow. They turn around for the last time, all of them are smiling kindly.

"See ya in the future, Nathan!" they all say together and step back into the shadows, disappearing completely. In the same moment all the lights turn off again.

Tears are running down of Nate's face. Also when they're just versions of him, they were a part of him. Everyone represented one of his feelings.

Mare his anger and strengh, Bones his patience and calmness, Phan his intelligence and kindness and Nathaniel his body and rest of his feelings.

They together represent one person, and that's Nate.

"I will never forget you...I promise..." 

He walks over to the machine, looking at it curiosly. The chemical is glowing much brighter in the darkness.

He turns it on, causing the chemical to glow even brighter. A bunch of experiences show up on the screen. They're all memories as they were kids, but like Mare said, she will be the same age as him. He's going to see how she looks now. Even the thought about it makes him excited.

Music Videos can have a deeper meaning, you know? (NateWantToBattle story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ