Start from the beginning

"Every guy I meet turns out to be married," Meredith started explaining her reason for turning down men and Derek felt a bit attacked. "Sorry. Or Mark," This time it was Addison that felt a stab and quickly removed herself from the conversation. "Sorry. Or remember the horrible thing I did? Remember George?"

They shared a look and Derek looked at her, full of sympathy. "You're making a sweater."

"I am making a sweater."


"Who doesn't know Madonna?" Cristina asked, clearly frustrated. Courtney looked up from her book for a second to see that Cristina was still pacing. Meredith, Cristina, Izzie and Courtney had been in the gallery for a while at this moment and Cristina was still ranting about the fact that she lost a game the night before. She and Burke had been playing a guessing game together with George and Callie. They had lost because Burke hadn't known who Madonna was. Cristina wasn't the type that liked to lose. Izzie coughed sore loser under her breath, which made Cristina glare at her. "I'm not a sore loser. You know, and so what if I am? See, the whole point of games is that there's a winner. A first place. You want a second best surgeon operating on you? No, you want the very best. And second best is mediocre. And to settle for mediocrity frankly, you know, a sign of self-loathing and substandard work ethics. I've gotta get George out of my apartment."

She took a seat beside Meredith, who was focused on her knitting. "You know, you could sleep with him and then right in the middle start crying. It's painful and humiliating and unbelievably cruel, but apparently it works." Courtney gave Meredith a little push with her foot, giving her a look. The blonde girl was lying on numerous chairs like she was lying in her bed, holding her book above her head. Her arms were starting to hurt a bit though. Over the years she had learned that reading was 20 percent actually reading and 80 percent moving to be comfortable.

"Would you just keep knitting? Kick him out so that he can come back home to us." Izzie suggested, looking up from her own knitting to glare at the back of Meredith's head. She was still blaming her for what had happened.

"No, I can't kick him out. You know, he's Burke's puppy. It's gotta be Burke's idea. I just gotta figure out a way to make him do it."

"You know, Cristina?" Courtney placed her book on her stomach and pushed herself up a bit so that she could look at the girl. "You could always ask George if he wouldn't mind to find his own place. It's not that hard and I'm sure that he would understand. Honesty is the best policy," Everyone looked at her like she had grown two more heads. "Alright, then not. One day you guys are gonna learn the hard way that it's always best to listen to me."

"Keep on dreaming, blondie. What makes you think that we would come to you for advice?" Cristina retorted back as she was trying to come up with a good idea that would make Burke kick out George.

Courtney shook her head as she grabbed her book again. "Have I hit a nerve, Cristina? Don't you want to hear my stellar advice? No? Well, I'm gonna give it to you anyway. Maybe it's time that you sit down with your boyfriend and teach him a bit of culture. Not knowing Madonna is a crime. He's missing out." She could feel Cristina's eyes on her and it wasn't because she was happy that she was there. Courtney let out a chuckle and focused back on her book.

"Meredith? Would you be okay if I killed your sister?" Cristina asked, which made Meredith stop her knitting. She gave her best friend a look, before she attempted to knit again. "Would you ever forgive me if I did?"

"Cristina, stop talking about killing my sister. And the answer to your question is: no, I wouldn't forgive you. You would be killing the only biological family I had – that I still care about – so I think it's pretty obvious that I wouldn't ever forgive you, even if you're my person."

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