• Q n A With Dangerous Fellows •

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· What was your Childhood like?

“I was a pretty responsible one in class, that I was practically a straight A student back then. In high School, Yes. I was the student council president.”


“Well, I grew up in a wealthy family. And Everyone wanted to be my friend just because of my money.”

“Ever since, I was a Kid. I usually stay in the music room and play the piano and practice my singing. My teachers told me to stop doing this because it was ridiculous, That I should focus on what's happening now. Instead of the Future, But every since the Apocalypse. I believe, I can't really achieve that dream anymore”

“I had a loving mother, But I wouldn't say the same to my Father. He would always come home late at night. Drunk. And beat us up, Eventually. He left us, Which made me glad. Because I thought, Me and my Mother can never escape his abuse.”

“I had a passion for Sports back then, I never really listen to my teacher during lessons. I was a stubborn kid back then, The only thing I wanted to do was play baseball.”

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