Those Corny Pick Up Lines

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-Chy+Cari are sitting at a coffee shop drinking hot chocolate&coffee-

Chy: I'm so glad we finally get a break from the dares.

Cari: Yeah, me too. Belarus can throw pillows pretty hard.-rubs cheek-

-Suddenly Chy gets a text from xXAnimeAdventureXx. It says - I dare the BTT to pick up on girls with corney pick up lines-

Chy: We have have a dare! -squeals-

Cari: What's the dare? If it makes you squeal then it must be good. -snatches Chy's phone and reads the dare- *squeals*

Chy: I guess you could say it's a pretty cool dare.

Cari: Wow, look at the irony, here they come now.

Chy: Hey Gilbert, Antonio...Francis, we just got a dare for you three.

Spain: Hola Chicas.

Chy+Cari: Hola Antonio.

Prussia: Guten Tag Fraus.

Chy+Cari: Guten Tag Gilbert

France: Bonjour mon cherie

Chy+Cari: ...Hey Francis.

Chy:So, are you guys ready for the dare?

BTT: Si, Ja, Oui.

Chy: xXAnimeAdventureXx dared you guys to try out your corniest pick up lines on some girls.

Cari:-Sips coffee- I can't wait to see how this plays out, send me the reactions.

Chy: Yeah, this is gonna' be good, we'll see you guys later.

-Spain and Prussia begin to walk off-

France: Wait, what about these two lovely ladies right here. -points to Chy&Cari-


France: Honhonhon~ -smirks-

Cari: -Hides behind Chy- *whispers* Dios mio, this guy is freaking me out.

Chy: I figured -rolls her eyes and moves away-

Spain: -to France- Amigo, good idea, we'll have a contest.

Prussia: Yeah, whoever can get ze most awesomest pick up lines vins a date with the awesome, *whispers* but not as awesome as me, girls.


Spain: Si!

Prussia: Ja!

Cari: Uh-oh...-gulps-

Chy: Get over it you big baby, man up and get ready to hear some lame pick up lines. France your up first.

France: Oui, -thinks of a 'great' pick up line-

Chy: Wait, you all get 3 shots. You may continue.

France: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven~? -smirks-

Cari: Are you serious? That was so...-falls down laughing-

Chy: Next!

Spain: Hola Chicas.

Chy+Cari: Hola Antonio.

Spain: Are you a camera? Because everytime I look at you I smile.-flashes big goofy smile-

Cari: Yep, just yep.

Chy: Of course you'd say that.

Cari: Oh, hush your face. -looks away blushing-

Chy: Next!-laughs-

Prussia: Hallo Fraus.

Chy+Cari: Hallo Gilbert.

Prussia: Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it bak.

Chy: 50 points to Gryffindor.

Cari: You would say that. -glares-

Chy: Shut up! Next round! Francis you're up.

France: Bonjour.

Chy+Cari: Hey.

Chy: Just get on with it, my hot chocolate's getting cold.

France: Could you please take your shirt off, I'd like to see how angels hide their wings.

Cari: -looks at Chy- Can i do something?

Chy:*sternly* Not yet, Next!

Cari: Okay.-sneezes-

Spain: -without missing a beat- I'd say God Bless you, but it appears he already did.

Cari: Smooth one Antonio.

Chy: Next! -trips over Cari's foot and gets caught by a certain albino-

Prussia: Falling for me already? Don't worry, you swept me off my feet too, Kesesesesese~!

Chy: -blushes-

Cari: Last round everybody. It's not even necessary but let's do it.

France: Why don't you two come back to my place and I'll show you why I'm the country of love.

Cari: That's it! I'm so done with this contest.

Chy: You arn't the country of love that's Spain, and Paris is the city of lights.

Cari: -splashes coffee in his face- You perv! -goes inside and buys another coffee-

Chy: No need for the last round so you guys can go.

Cari: I'm curious though... What lines would you have used?

Spain: -grabs Cari's hand- I'm sorry, I don't think we've meet before. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like that.

Cari: -Blushes-

Prussia: -puts his arm arounds Chy's shoulders- Life without you would be like a broken pencil... pointless.

Chy: Poetic.

France: -grabs random girls hand- *seductive voice* Hey baby, you must be a light switch, 'cuz every time I see you, you turn me on.

Girl: -blushes and Giggles-

Chy+Cari: Prussia and Spain win.

Spain: -smiles-

Prussia: Kesesesese -smirks-

-France already disappeared with the girl-

Chy: -shakes her head- So predictable. 

Hetalia: Truth or DareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora