18 6 2

I walk through the door of the hotel, I've been working at.
It's a big fancy hotel where a lot famous people come as in Taylor Swift, Marshmello etc.
I've been working here for a few days now, but I still don't know my way through the hallways, so I go to the only place I remember, I go the kitchen where I find my best friend Tess.

It is now 5 o'clock when I look at my horloge
I walk to Tess who is cutting onions,
My eyes hurt, I'm almost crying ! but anyways
We are talking about everything, about our old crushes, new crushes until the subject becomes BTS and she ends the conversation

'o my god Lynn, I ALMOST FORGOT ! you NEED to GO WITH ME !'
'What why ?'
'I swear you're gonna like it !!'
'Okay but may I ask where is it..?'
'Room 217'
'Oh come on, you just go ALONE ! Do you know HOW much stairs that are ?!'
'Yes I know BUT YOUR. GONNA. COME. WITH. ME NOW !' She says happily

Without being able to say anything back, she grabs my wrist and pulls me up all the stairs to room 217.

When we're standing in the front of the door I look at Tess.

'Where are you so exited for if i may ask ?
'Causeee....' she says while she knocks on the door.
'As if bts is behind THAT door' I laugh.

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