Running out of food.

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This rant is decicated to @softballqueen48 becasue she wanted me to do this rant so here I go.

Running out of food.

Let's talk shall we

Story time:

So picture this, I am at home, I just came from school and I am like hungry. So I look in the fridge and the freezer and guess what?


Like, there is food but I either dont like it or like dont like it.

So I am just there, sitting on the floor sad becasue there is no food.

I like chicken, onion ring, ketchup, bread, garlic bread, mexican, indian, pasta and some other stuff.

I normally run out of food on Thursday or Friday because the shopping (food) comes on Satursday but till then I am like - "What shall I have."

End of story.

Basically the morrol of this story is that I like food and I don't like it when I can't find any or when I have run out of it :(

See ya

See ya

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