VII. Lotte World

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Jaeyoon knocked on Inseong's bedroom door three times. "Detective? Are you awake? I made breakfast..."

He tried knocking harder, and when no reply came he started pressing his ear against the cold wood. The door must've been closed poorly, for it slid right open when Jaeyoon leaned towards it.

He peeked inside and spotted a bed that looked un-slept in. It was definitely an invasion of privacy, but Jaeyoon pushed the door open wider and allowed himself to enter the room.

There was a small light coming from the corner that attracted Jaeyoon's attention. Next to a wardrobe stood a desk, on which lied a sleeping Inseong. Photos of crime scenes and pages of reports were tucked safely under his head and arms. Jaeyoon approached him carefully, wondering how much sleep the detective could have possible got if he didn't even bother to change out of his clothes from the day before.

Jaeyoon placed a tentative hand on Inseong's shoulder and almost immediately the detective stirred, his eyelids fluttering open like a butterfly's wings.

If Inseong was surprised at the presence of Jaeyoon in his room, he didn't show it. "Oh, hey, good morning," he said while rubbing his eyes and stretching out the knots in his neck.

"I didn't mean to wake you, detective, but, um, I heard you have something to do today."

Jaeyoon watched Inseong's face turn from bewilderment to delayed shock. "Oh no, you're right. What, what time is it?" Inseong pushed a hand through his disheveled hair, looking very dismayed.

He started digging into his closet for a set of new clothes and attempted to rush to the bathroom, but Jaeyoon stood in his path. "Don't worry, I woke you up early. It's only seven."

Inseong's whole body seemed to sigh as he collapsed onto the clean bed. And then, just as quickly, he sat up again and reached for his phone.

Dawon picked up on the first ring. "Hey, I was just about to call you-"

"Good, at least you're awake."

"No, that's the thing: I can't go with you to the amusement park today. I have a really bad fever."

"Yeah, Dawon. I'm not falling for that." Inseong rolled his eyes. "If you had a fever, you wouldn't be awake."

"I'm not lying! Here-" There was a short pause. "Check my message."

Inseong removed the phone from his ear and opened up the chat. A selfie of Dawon looking 'sick' (ice pack on forehead, thermometer in his mouth) stared back at him.

"You're not getting away with this, Dawon." Inseong spoke into the phone again only to realize Dawon had already hung up when he was busy looking at the photo.

Inseong groaned as his phone started buzzing again.


Sorry man.

Cant help it.

You should go with Jaeyoon tho. I bet he'd agree to it.

Oh, as for the CCTV, I think I spotted the guy

But you cant rly see his face :(

I'll send you the photos

"Ah, sorry to interrupt..." Jaeyoon noticed Inseong's frown. "Detective?"

"Oh, sorry." Inseong looked up from the blurry screenshots of the camera footage and pocketed his phone, deciding that this task was for another time. "Breakfast, right?"

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