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Victoria sat on the back porch of the cabin, a camouflage patterned hunting blanket draped around her. It'd been hours since Happy and Kozik left them here in the middle of no where, hours since they knew for a fact they were safe. A rock had settled itself in the pit of her stomach, making her feel uneasy.

Jacquelyn had fallen asleep on the couch inside, but Victoria had too much going on inside her head to relax. Cameron continued to text her phone until she turned it off, and she hadn't turned it back on to see just how much he had to say. She didn't have the time or space inside of her head to worry about him right now. Cameron's persistence was a problem for tomorrow.

The burner phone rested on the arm of her chair, and she willed it with her mind to ring, but to no avail. She wanted to get out of this cabin and back to civilization. It wouldn't be long until the sun began to set, and when that happened, she'd lose Happy. By the end of the day, he'd said. The hours were quickly ticking down. She wanted to be with him, not trapped here while he was out putting himself in danger for revenge.

A part of her envied Jacquelyn sleeping inside. Tomorrow morning, she'd still have Kozik. Victoria shook her head. None of this was Jacquelyn's fault and her best friend deserved the peace of mind.

She stared out at the trees and considered everything that'd brought her here. Meeting Happy by pure chance, going out with him after, everything with Cameron that followed. She wanted to kiss him one last time, hug him, remind him that she'd be here waiting when he got out. It sounded crazy even to her, but she would.

It was only after Victoria had sat there so long she nearly fell asleep just from sitting still that the burner phone began to vibrate on the arm rest. She sat up, hands snatching it up before the call could be missed.


"It's Gemma, sweetheart. I'm headed up to the cabin. I've got Lyla with me."

"Is everyone okay?" Victoria asked, needing to hear it.

"As far as I know, everybody's whole. They'll meet us back at the garage."

"Okay, thank you, we'll be waiting."

Victoria hurried inside and gave Jacquelyn's shoulder a shake. "Hey, get up, Gemma's on her way."

She shot straight up looking confused, her hair messed up going every which way. "What?"

"I said get up. Gemma and Lyla are coming to get us."

The next half hour felt like a thousand years. Victoria was so eager to get back, to get some sort of time with Happy before he was taken away. She sat in the old leather chair by the door, her knee bouncing up and down as Jacquelyn stood at the window, staring out at nothing with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What do you think they're really doing?" she asked.

"I don't know. I've only got parts of the story, and none of them really explained today."

Jac opened her mouth to speak, but she seemed almost afraid to say whatever she was thinking. "Did we make a mistake coming here? I mean, with whatever it is they're involved in."

"Are you having doubts about Kozik?"

Jac let out a sigh and shook her head. "No, I'm just feeling on edge, I guess. They're a little more hardcore than I expected, the club.

Victoria understood what she was getting at, but she didn't have a chance to say anything else because Gemma's SUV came up the driveway.

The lot was empty and quiet, too quiet, as Victoria sat at the picnic table across from Jacquelyn just outside the clubhouse's main entrance. Lyla was sitting on the tabletop, her elbows resting on her knees. Gemma stood, arms crossed over her chest. None of them spoke. They were all anxious, eagerly awaiting the Sons return.

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