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The roadside motel was far from luxurious, but by the time the four of them made it into their shared room, it was clear none of them cared. Jacquelyn had shed her leather jacket and jeans before sliding beneath the thin sheets, Kozik following suit after helping Happy carry their saddlebags inside. Once he fell into bed beside Jacquelyn, he was sound asleep almost instantly while Happy braved the questionably hygienic bathroom to take a shower.

The two queen sized beds were separated by a small end table that housed a brass lamp that barely illuminated the space on top and the Holy Bible in the top drawer that appeared to have never been cracked open. Victoria took the bed opposite Jacquelyn and laid out on top of the covers after removing her own leather jacket but kept her jeans and sweatshirt on.

Now, all three of them were sleeping soundly, but despite Victoria's exhaustion, she couldn't seem to join them. She stared up at the water spotted ceiling and wondered whether or not she'd made the right choice in coming.

Instead of tossing and turning beside a somewhat peacefully sleeping Happy, Victoria slid out of bed and tiptoed toward the door. She snuck outside, sitting in one of the faded plastic lawn chairs on the concrete walkway. It was a cold, still night and she watched the cars as they passed. It was peaceful.

She thought back to the conversation she'd had with Bex, about the happiness and love she radiated. Victoria wondered if she could find that in a man like Happy. He was rugged on the outside, but she was slowly uncovering the deeper layers of who he was.

The door to their room opened, startling Victoria, sending her heart up into her throat. Happy stepped out with a gun held down at his right side and a stoic expression.

"Jesus," Victoria said, placing a hand over her heart. "You scared me."

He visibly relaxed when his gaze landed on her.

"What are you doing out here?" He came closer, tucking the gun into the back of his jeans as he did, taking a seat in the other free lawn chair beside her.

"I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake you."

"I don't mind. Rather you be tossing and turning in there than alone out here." He leaned forward and grabbed her below the knees, dragging both of her bare feet onto his lap.

"Until you fall asleep driving tomorrow and kill us both," she teased, watching his hands as they massaged her left foot. It felt so good, and she laid her head back against the back of the chair to enjoy it.


They sat in silence for a few minutes, both of them just staring out at the night sky. It was peaceful. The kind of peaceful she so desperately needed.

"What's in Charming?" she asked finally. "Aside from another club charter."

He didn't look her way. "Some club business that needs wrapped up."

"But you and Kozik aren't part of their charter."

"No, but we help out when we're needed."

Victoria nodded, thinking that over.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

He hadn't really told her what to expect, so she wasn't sure if she was nervous or just excited to be doing something new. "Should I be?"

"Not necessarily, but there's a few things we should talk about while we're on the subject of Charming." Victoria raised a curious brow. "SAMCRO isn't like Tacoma. They're the mother charter, the originals. Lee's not laid back by any means, but Clay can be worse. He's old school and his charter follows his lead."

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