Start from the beginning

Jace allowed Gwen to hold his pinky the whole way there once the boys had gone off on their own, and the Weasley brothers decided to not tease Jace about the caring persona he displayed around Gwen.

"Hello, young Mr and Miss Desmond!" An old gentleman by the name of Ollivander came into Gwen's line of sight.

"I'm here for my wand, sir," Gwen said with confidence.

Ollivander chuckled, "I believe I've just met the newest edition to Gryffindor's house! A pleasure to see you again, young Mr. Desmond."

"You as well, sir." Jace nodded as his face slightly turned red at his sister's boldness.

"Ah." Ollivander said after sliding his finger across a shelf full of wands, "This should do nicely for a brave girl such as yourself."

Gwen gingerly took the beautifully made wand out of its box, raising her arm ever so slightly. Before she could wave it, though, boxes shot out of the shelves and a circle lamp rattled on the counter.

"No, no." Ollivander reached out and took the wand from Gwen's hands. She smiled sheepishly at the man.

Ollivander went to the very back, searching for what felt like an eternity.

"Ah-Ha!" He cried, rushing to the counter to hand Gwen his find, "Give this one a wave!"

Gwen grasped the black handle that lead up to a dark brown finish, waving it gently. Air blew up around her, sparks flying in a symphony of wonder.

"Wicked!" She cried, clutching the wand and jumping up and down, "I love it with my soul!"

Jace grinned. Gwen very rarely loved anything outside of Quidditch or sweets, and when she did love something that much, she always said she loved it with her soul.

"Cherry wood," Ollivander said with great interest, "11 inches. Phoenix feather core. Rare. Very rare."

Ollivander boxed her wand up and wrapped it carefully. He handed the package to her and wished her the best on her journey to become a fine young witch.

"By- Oomph!" Gwen ran straight into the side of the doorframe, not watching where she was going. Jace nearly doubled over in ripples of laughter but decided to save his younger sister the embarrassment. He offered her his hand and hoisted her up. "Bye!"

"I embarrassed myself." Gwen's face was as red as the Weasley family's infamous hair.

Jace shrugged, "S'okay. Happens to all of us."

Gwen began to examine the dull brown package paper of her wand's box. She picked at it with her chipped purple nail polish. Lifting it to her small nose, she sniffed it once.

Jace gave her a puzzled look, "What're you doing?"

Gwen didn't appear startled in the slightest, "I just wanted to know if it smelled like a new shoe box or like something else."

"Oh." Jace said, "Okay, then."

"What's next on the list?" Gwen asked him.

Jace pulled out the slightly crumpled piece of folded parchment paper out of his pants pocket and unfolded it, squinting to try and make out his father's sloppy handwriting.

Gwen stared up at her older brother through her dark lashes, "Well?"

"Looks like we're headed to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions!"

Gwen slowly pushed open the door, immediately taking notice of only one girl with mousy brown hair and a look of disgust on her face at the sleeves that were obviously too long for her arms. She had to be Gwen's age.

A rather plump woman on the shorter side greeted the siblings at the door, "Hello, dears! Is the young lady here for her Hogwarts robes?"

Gwen nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

"Right this way, then!" The woman led Gwen to a stool where she situated herself and the woman promoted Gwen to spread her arms out.

Jace smiled, "Busy today, Madam Malkin?"

"That I am, my boy!" Madam Malkin waved her wand and a robe came and found itself on Gwen.

The girl on the stool beside of Gwen groaned when her robe seemed finally fitted and ready-for-wear, "So glad that's over!"

Gwen giggled and the girl turned her attention to her, "Hello! I quite like your purple shoes!"

"Thank you," Gwen told her, "purple is my favorite color!"

"Really?" The other girl exclaimed as she climbed down from her stool, "Purple is my favorite color!"

"Wicked!" Gwen replied. Madam Malkin waved her wand and needles adjusted the size of Gwen's robe length that had been brushing the floor.

"Guess that means you and I oughta be good friends, yes?" The girl offered her hand up for Gwen to shake.

Madam Malkin waved the other girl off when Gwen moved her hand and the robe shifted.

Gwen smiles apologetically, "I think we already are."

"Sweet!" She hesitated, "I suppose I should tell you my name, then! I'm Eleanor Sparks, but since we've become best friends, you can call me Elle."

"Gwendolyn Desmond, but you can definitely call me Gwen." Gwen offered a lopsided grin.

Elle audibly gasped, nearly making Madam Malkin topple over in shock.

"Sorry." Elle mumbled sheepishly, "Isn't your mum the famed Holyhead Harpies chaser? Elisa, innit?"

Gwen nodded enthusiastically, "That'd be her! Great woman, that one is."

"When I began studying up on wizarding culture with my parents after I had gotten my letter, your mum's name was all over the recent Quidditch papers and books!" Elle spoke, amazed. "She's so beautiful in all of the photos, too!"

"Studying up?" Gwen was confused. Why would Elle need to study up for wizarding culture if she was a witch herself?

Elle took a breath, "I'm a muggle born. Non-magic folk for parents. You could imagine the shock for ma and pa when they found out that their youngest child was a witch!"

Gwen furrowed her brows, she had heard of a muggle born but never had personally met one.

"I like you, Elle." Gwen finally spoke, "I'm glad we're friends, and I hope we're sorted into the same house so we can have sleepovers every night!"

It took Elle a moment to respond, and both Jace and Madam Malkin knew why. The girl was used to being ridiculed for being born into a muggle family.

"Thank you, Gwen." Elle smiled softly, "I like you, too."

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