As soon as I got home I stored the things I bought in the places where they belonged. I bought so many snacks that they filled up an entire cupboard but hey, we're nine people and god knows for how long they'll stay here. I just hope they'll stay long.

After I finished putting everything in place, the vibration of my phone which was lying on the kitchen counter signalized me that I had received a new message.
I turned it on to see who it was from but the notification I got was quite strange to me.
The message did not come from me mother, nor did it come from any of the boys.
It simply read:

unknown wants to chat with you!

I clicked on the profile of that person to see who it was but I had never seen this girl before. She had long, straight black hair, big, dark eyes and very red, plump lips.
All in all she was very pretty but I was still wondering who she was and why she would text me.

Haiii! >~<

That was everything the message read. I was sceptical If I should text back at first but my curiousity took over and so I did.

Sorry If this sounds a bit rude but do I know you?

Within a second I already got a response back.

Haha, I don't think you know me but I saw you today and wanted to get to know you but I was too shy to approach you >///<

I'm sorry If this seems creepy but I swear I did not stalk you! Haha

Anyways, I'm Kang Areum [Meaning:Beautiful]! ^^

Well I can see that you're beautiful but what's your name? Hahah, just kidding.
I'm Lee Minho, nice to meet you!

Contact saved to: Areum

Ah, that was smooth! Hahaha

Okay so, sorry If this seems super weird but I just wanted to say that I think that you are really cute >///<

I thought about her last message a bit before I replied. Does she actually have a crush on me? But she doesn't even know me. How do I respond to that?
I never had to deal with a situation like that before so I was a bit overwhelmed in that second. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but on the other hand I don't even know who she is.

Oh, well thank you for the compliment!

But I'm sorry, I'm not interested.
I actually already have someone else.

I was hesitating If I should actually send that message or not but after some time fighting with myself, I did. I was a bit anxious, what If she just wanted to be nice and wasn't even interested in me at all, that would be so embarrassing!
So I was patiently waiting for her reply which, luckily, didn't take long.

Oh, okay.
Well, that's fine!
That girl must be so lucky to have such a great boyfriend like you! Haha

It's actually a boy and we're not in a relationship yet, I hope that will change though.
But I don't think he likes me back.

Oh? Why do you think so?
And can I know his name? :P

Heh, you don't think it's weird that I like a boy?

What? Noo! Of course I don't!

That's good to hear because many people have a problem with that actually..
Oh and, I don't know If I can tell you his name, can I trust you?

Of course you can! Who should I tell that secret anyways? I don't think my parents or anyone from my family would be interested in the life of a stranger and other than that I don't really talk to anyone else ^^

I hesitated for a bit but I thought she'd have a point there so I just told her Jisungs name. The name is very common after all so she shouldn't know the person I was talking about, right?

Right? :O
Sksk anyway, this was chapter 4 of my Minsung FF!
Who is that girl though? And how will the reunion of the nine boys turn out? Who knows~
Lmao I hope you liked this chapter and as I already stated in my new chapter from the NCT story, I'm at my families place at the moment so I can't upload so much but I'll write during the night to make up for it!
Have a great day ♡

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