With that, Archie started the car and headed towards Betty's house. Soon after Archie beeped the horn, Betty was walking towards the car and getting into the back of it. As Jughead moved into the middle to let the girl in, he mumbled something about Lola cheating causing her to chuckle at him.

They drove through the country streets, talking and having fun. Lola wasn't entirely sure where they were going but she didn't question it. Eventually, they stopped and Lola followed as they made their way to what looked like and old pond next to a bridge. She had never been there before but she was pretty sure that Betty, Jughead and Archie used to come here all the time.

They all began to take their clothes off, eager to jump into the cool, refreshing water. "Last one in gets a sticky maple" Archie yelled. The second the words left his mouth, Lola threw herself into the water, giggling as she resurfaced. She was shortly followed by Archie and Jughead and then by Veronica and Betty.

Lola was technically fifth wheeling the two couples, but none of them saw it that way; they were all just a bunch of friends hanging out and having fun. They splashed around and laughed about the most random things. For once, Lola felt like an actual teenager with regular problems like her hair getting wet rather that worrying about what Riverdale was going to throw at them next.

Soon, the sun began to set and they all climbed out of the pong, not wanting to be freezing when it turned to nightfall. Jughead tried to start a campfire on the banks of the pond and Lola sat there laughing at him every time it failed. Eventually, she had to take over or else they never would have had a fire to keep them warm.

"So, would anyone care to tell me if there's anything else I missed aside from Jughead almost dying and the Southside being claimed?" Lola asked, leaving out the bit about Sweet Pea and Josie. She was half joking, not expecting an answer, but her face fell slightly when she saw the nervous glance between Veronica and Archie across from her.

"Guys" she railed off worriedly. What more could there possibly be? Archie looked to Veronica who nodded slightly at him. He sighed but turned back to Lola. "I was arrested for murder" he stated, looking to the ground. Lola's eyes practically popped out of her head. She looked around expectantly, waiting for someone to yell that they were pranking her, but no on did.

"Hiram Lodge framed me for a murder his old driver committed. Paid off witnesses too. My hearing is tomorrow" he explained. Lola remained silent; she didn't know what to say. An awkwardness seemed to fill the air now; no one knew what to say to the red-head but they all knew they didn't want him to go to jail.

"What about you, Lola? What did you do all summer?" Veronica asked, clearing the air a little. Lola smiled warmly at her as she remembered how nice it felt to be normal for a while. "Nothing. That's what was great about it. I got to be a normal teenager for once" she explained.

"Did you stay with Joaquin?" Jughead asked, remembering how he had gotten her there. Lola tensed ever so slightly at the mention of Joaquin but no one seemed to notice it. She looked to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact since she knew Jughead would see right through her.

"Something like that" she mumbled. Lola knew Jughead was frowning at her, wondering what she had meant by that, but, luckily, he didn't ask anymore questions. They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the peacefulness around them. They were all going to miss this when school started again.

"Guys, no matter what happens in court, this" Archie sad while looking around at all of us. "Is the best last day of summer a guy could ask for" he finished. Lola smiled sadly across at him. She hoped that everything would go well tomorrow but, knowing Hiram Lodge, there was a very high chance it wouldn't.

"Archie, what if you just make a break for it? Past that tree line is a road that goes through the mountains to Quebec" Jughead said wistfully. Lola thought about it for a moment. It was a stupid idea but it could easily work. "Jughead" Archie warned, not wanting him to get any ideas. However, Jughead was already planning.

"There's Serpents North of the border there that will keep you supplied" he continued. wanting his friend to be safe. No one seemed to be overly optimistic that tomorrow would go well for Archie. "You don't deserve this, Archie. Any of it" Betty said, tearing up slightly. Lola looked sadly at the fire in front of her, not knowing how to comfort her friends.

"Yeah and what if I do?" Archie asked. Lola looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, wondering what he meant. He didn't kill anyone; he was innocent. No innocent person deserved to go to jail. "Archie, why would you say that?" Veronica asked, looking up at him with a worried expression painted on her face.

"Because I'm guilty. I didn't kill Cassidy but I left him with Andre. If I hadn't walked away that night he might still be alive. And not just Cassidy, all of it. All of last year... I didn't kill anyone. But I could've... I have to take responsibility for that" Archie explained.

Everyone returned to silence, although it didn't seem as peaceful anymore. They knew Archie was blaming himself for everything, but none of them knew how to reassure him. All they could do know was be there for him in court and hope that he would be proven innocent.

 All they could do know was be there for him in court and hope that he would be proven innocent

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Liked by archieandrews, vlodge and 51 otherslolacarter Freedom is a wonderful thing

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Liked by archieandrews, vlodge and 51 others
lolacarter Freedom is a wonderful thing

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I should be able to upload weekly now but I'm sorr if I miss one

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I should be able to upload weekly now but I'm sorr if I miss one

Also the chapters in this book are longer than the last and idk if y'all like that or not so lemme know oof

Let me know if there are spelling mistakes

Ily all <3

Broken Boundaries (2) |Sweet Pea|Where stories live. Discover now