Final Battle and Goodbye

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"Wait a minute, I don't think we should've left because this is right when Iago takes the lamp" Hibiki just remembered. "Then that means we're already too late" said Kanade. "You're all gonna have to fight Jafar as Pretty Cure-nya" said Hummy. The girls agreed with the cat and they went to where the Sultan was making an announcement. They arrived just when the Sultan introduced Aladdin to the crowd who then smiled nervously and waved to the crowd as they cheered for him for being able to marry Princess Jasmine. While that was happening, Jafar and Iago were watching it. "Look at them" Iago scoffed. "Cheering for that little pipsqueak!" "Let them cheer" Jafar replied before he rubbed Genie's lamp. "You know, Al, I'm getting really-" Genie glared until he saw Jafar and became instantly nervous. "I don't think you're him." he then wore opera glasses with a playbill. "Tonight, the part of Al will be played by a tall, dark and sinister ugly man." "I am your master now" Jafar growled to Genie before throwing him to the floor and shoving his foot against Genie's face. "I was afraid of that" Genie muttered. "Genie, grant me my first wish. I wish to rule on high as sultan!" Jafar demanded. Then dark clouds began to circle the palace. "What's going on?" asked Ellen. "It's Jafar's first wish" said Hibiki. "Bless my soul" the Sultan frowned. "What is this? What's going on? Oh, my goodness, what's happening?" His turban then floated right off his head and he tried to grab it until he was stripped from his royal robes and his clothes fit onto Jafar. Jafar cackled as he was in control now. "Jafar, you vile betrayer!" the Sultan glared. "That's Sultan Vile Betrayer to you!" Iago snapped. "Oh, yeah? We'll just see about that!" Aladdin challenged as he took off his turban and saw that the lamp was not in there which made him instantly scared. "The lamp" "Finders keepers, Abooboo." Jafar smirked. "You're not getting away with this, Jafar!" said Ako. "That's right! Let's go girls!" said Hibiki. "Okay!" said the girls. Everyone wondered what the girls were going to do.

The Fairy Tones flew up to the sky and shouted out their notes and shun. They then sounded out their respective notes and dove into the girls' Cure Modules. The girls then called out the transformation phrase "Let's Play! Pretty Cure Modulation!" and tapped the button on the bottom of the Cure Modules. This caused the central crystal of the Cure Module to sparkle, and the Fairy Tones inside gave a small jerk to bring out a golden G-Clef, which started the transformation. The girls were first surrounded by ribbons, which tied together to form their dresses, ending in bows at their chests and waists. Their hairs then changed color and they gained their hair accessories. The girls opened their eyes to reveal that their eyes have changed color as well. Then they stood in a circle and each extended an arm in, and ribbons wrapped around their arms to produce arm protectors. A choker then appeared around each of their necks. Lastly, the girls each gained their earrings one by one. Each earring appeared together with a note from the Solfège scale, so the 4 Cures transforming together complete an entire octave of notes. Then they flew down together, stroke a pose and began to introduce themselves. "Strumming the wild tune, Cure Melody!" said Cure Melody. "Playing the graceful tune, Cure Rhythm!" said Cure Rhythm. "Strumming the soul's tune, Cure Beat!" said Cure Beat. "Playing the Goddess' tune, Cure Muse!" said Cure Muse. "Reach Out! Our quartet musical suite! Suite Pretty Cure!" said the Cures before striking a final pose.

Aladdin remembered the Cures from earlier but everyone else was shocked. "Ako...why didn't you tell me?" asked Jasmine. "I never found the right time" Muse replied. The Cures flew up to stop Genie from moving the palace. "Genie, no, stop this!" said Melody. "Sorry, kids" Genie frowned, looking sincerely sorry about having to do this. "I got a new master now" He moved the palace onto a mountain. "We didn't want it to come to this but we're gonna have to fight you" said Rhythm. "Genie, stop them!" Jafar ordered. Genie smacked his hands trying to crush the Cures, but they dodged his attack. "Jafar, I order you to stop!" the Sultan ordered. "Ah, but there's a new order now. My order. Finally, you will bow to me." Jafar demanded. "We will never bow down to you!" Jasmine glared. "Why am I not surprised?!" Iago scoffed. The Cures tried to keep Genie busy so he wouldn't have to grant Jafar's second wish. "If you won't bow before a sultan, then you will cower before a sorcerer! Genie, my second wish...I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world!" Jafar called with a malicious smile. "No!" the Cures cried. Genie groaned as he then zapped Jafar and the sorcerer laughed maniacally. The Cures kept dodging Genie's attacks. Jafar decided to humiliate everyone with his dark magic. He made Jasmine and the Sultan bow against their wills and turned Rajah into a tiny kitty cat. "Oh, Princess!" Jafar smirked as he raised Jasmine's chin with his staff. "There's someone I'm dying to introduce you to!" "Jafar, get your hands off her!" Aladdin called sharply as he flew on Carpet. "Yeah!" the Cures glared. Jafar sang a twisted version of the Prince Ali song before zapping Aladdin into his street clothes and Abu back into a monkey. "Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!" "Or should we say Aladdin?" Iago smirked. "Oh no..." Cure Melody frowned. "Ali?!" Jasmine frowned. "Jasmine, I tried to tell you. I'm just-" Aladdin began. Before Jafar could use his dark magic to send Aladdin and Abu far away so he could take over the kingdom, Cure Muse punched him making him drop his staff. "Quick, now's our chance!" Muse told the Cures. "Right!" said Melody, Rhythm and Beat.

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