Chapter 2

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The girls looked around the town for Ako, but had no luck. "STOP, THIEF!" a voice from atop of a roof called out. The girls looked up and saw a young man on the roof with some bread in his arms. He had wavy black hair, a red hat, a purple vest with beige pants, but no shoes. "I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!" the voice snarled as he drew out a sword. "All this for a loaf of bread?" the young man asked himself before going down a clothesline to escape the guards. Hibiki gasped when she realized where she and her friends were. "Should we do something?" asked Kanade. "Girls, we're in the movie Aladdin!" Hibiki told her friends. "What?!" the girls said, shocked. "Look out!" Hibiki moved her friends out of the way right before Aladdin crashed down with a bunch of clothes and landed on her. "Hibiki!" Kanade cried. The loaf of bread landed in Ellen's hands. "You okay?" Kanade asked as she helped Hibiki up. "Yeah, I'm fine" Hibiki replied. "What about you?" she asked Aladdin. "I think so..." Aladdin said with his rough landing. "There he is!" a guard called. "You won't get away that easy!" "You think that was easy?" Aladdin smirked. "How was that easy?" Ellen smirked back. Three girls giggled from afar. "Thank you for holding this for me" Aladdin took the bread, put a cloth on as a disguise and went to blend in with the girls so the guards wouldn't recognize him. Hibiki and her friends went with him. "Morning, ladies" Aladdin smiled to the three women who were going about normal business. "Getting into trouble with some new friends pretty early, aren't you, Aladdin?" one woman smirked to Aladdin. "Trouble? No way, you're only in trouble when you get caught" Aladdin replied casually. "Gotcha!" Razoul grabbed Aladdin. "I'm in trouble!" Aladdin panicked. "This time-" Razoul glared until his eyes were covered by his hat. "Perfect timing, Abu, as usual" Aladdin smiled as his monkey helped him with the guard. "Thanks for the help-nya" Hummy smiled. Abu chattered and tipped his hat as he stood on top of the guard's head.

"Let's get out of here" said Hibiki. "Gotta keep up" Aladdin tried to escape the guards who looked like they wanted him dead for stealing bread. Hibiki astounded Aladdin and her friends as she helped them escape the guards before getting caught just so Aladdin and Abu could eat. "Wow, Hibiki. I didn't know you were so good with streets" said Kanade. "You guys don't know everything about me" said Hibiki. Aladdin, Abu and Hibiki kept holding off the guards and ended up making them fall into a pile of fertilizer. "Ha!" Hibiki laughed. "Nice work, I'm impressed" Aladdin said to her. "Why thank you" Hibiki smiled. "And you didn't even have to transform-nya" said Hummy. "What?" asked Aladdin. "We'll explain later" said Ellen. Aladdin shared his bread with Abu just before they saw two starving and homeless children. "Oh, those poor kids" said Ellen. Aladdin was about to eat his bread, but he decided to give it to the kids since they would need it more than he would. Abu was being selfish at first, but then he felt guilty and decided to share his piece with them as well. "That was very kind of you" said Kanade. "Thanks. I'm Aladdin by the way. And that's Abu" said Aladdin. Hibiki and her friends introduced themselves. Then they noticed there was quite a talk in town which caught their attention to go see what it was all about. There was a prince on a white horse who was on his way to the palace. "Who's that?" asked Ellen. "Prince Achmed" said one bystander. "On his way to the palace to meet the princess" said another bystander.

The two kids from before giggled and ran out on the street which startled the prince's horse. Hibiki quickly rushed to rescue the two kids. "Out of my way, you filthy brats!" Prince Achmed glared and was about to whip the kids. "Hey!" Aladdin stopped the whip. "If I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners" "Yeah!" Hibiki glared. "I'll show you some manners!" Prince Achmed glared and kicked them both into the mud which made almost everybody laugh. Hibiki huffed and crossed her arms. "Look at that, Abu." Aladdin glared as Prince Achmed went off. "It's not everyday you see a horse with two rear-ends." Achmed and his horse glared very firmly. "You deserved that" said Hibiki. "You are a worthless street rat" Achmed glared to Aladdin. "You were born a street rat, you will die a street rat, and only your fleas will mourn you!" he snarled as he went to the palace. Doors shut after he and his horse entered it. Aladdin wanted to get back at him, but he was shut out. "I'm not worthless! And I don't have fleas..." Abu then frowned with him. The girls followed Aladdin to where he lived. Aladdin hummed to himself as it got dark where he was going and he appeared to be living outdoors. "I gotta say, for a street rat, you have a nice home" said Kanade. "Thanks. You girls can stay over for the night if you want" said Aladdin. "That would be great" said Ellen. Aladdin set Abu down for bed as he then looked to see the palace in view. "Someday Abu, we're gonna be rich, we're gonna live in the palace, and things will be different." Hummy jumped next to Abu. "Mind if I sleep with you-nya?" she asked. Abu shook his head. "I hope Ako's okay" said Hibiki before falling asleep with her friends.

The next day at the palace was not a pleasant one for the visiting prince. The Sultan was in his private room until Prince Achmed stormed over in aggravation and felt insulted. "I've never been so insulted!" Prince Achmed glared. "Oh, Prince Achmed," the Sultan approached the prince. "You're not leaving so soon, are you?" "Good luck marrying her off!" Prince Achmed growled as he left the palace. "And that young girl that was with her had such a rude attitude!" Oh, Jasmine, Ako.." the Sultan hushed before going to the garden to look for his daughter and new guest. "Jasmine! Ako!" Before he could get close to them, Rajah snarled in his face. "Confound it, Rajah!" the Sultan swiped away the cloth from the tiger's mouth before glaring to Jasmine and Ako. "So this is why Prince Achmed stormed out." "Rajah was just playing with him, Your Majesty" Ako smiled. "Weren't you, Rajah?" Jasmine cooed to her pet tiger. "You were playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren't you?" The Sultan glared at them which made Jasmine and Ako look slightly nervous. "Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call" the Sultan reminded his daughter until she copied him. "The law says you must be married to a prince by your next birthday." "But the law is wrong" Jasmine said as they came to a dove cage. "You've only got three more days!" the Sultan reminded her. "Father, I hate being forced into this." Jasmine replied as she cuddled a dove. "If I do marry, I want it to be for love." "She's right, Your Majesty. Royalty or not, everyone should marry for love" said Ako. "This isn't just the law, you two." the Sultan replied as he put the dove back in the cage. "I'm not going to be around forever and I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for"

"Please try to understand," Jasmine replied as she sat on the edge of the fountain and drew a circle in the water which attracted the fish. "I've never done anything on my own. I've never had any real friends" "Hey! Ako glared with Rajah. "Except you Ako and Rajah" Jasmine then said with a smile. Ako and Rajah smiled back and Rajah went to sleep. "I've never even been outside the palace walls" Jasmine continued. "But Jasmine, you're a princess." the Sultan reminded his daughter. "Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore" Jasmine splashed the water in rage and frustration. "Ooh!" the Sultan growled before glaring to Rajah and Ako. "Allah forbid you two should have any daughters." Rajah and Ako looked confused at what the Sultan just said. Jasmine went to the cage and opened the doors to free the doves. The doves then flew off to freedom and Jasmine wished she could be free as well somehow. "If you really do want to get out of here, how about we sneak out of the palace tonight?" Ako suggested. "That's a great idea" said Jasmine. That night, Jasmine and Ako put on cloaks and went to the wall in the back of the palace. They were about the climb over the wall when Rajah pulled back Jasmine's cloak. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rajah" Jasmine knelt beside her tiger. "But I can't stay here and have my life lived for me. I'll miss you" Rajah frowned and allowed her to go live her life of freedom. Jasmine and Ako climbed up the wall. "Goodbye" Jasmine then called to her tiger as she left with Ako. Rajah sadly watched her go as he lay down and looked very miserable since he was never going to see her again.

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