For Zaakir, it filled him with happiness seeing her eat before he could, knowing that he was able to be certain that he fed her out of love, not obligation. He realised belatedly, that there was satisfaction in knowing that the sincerity of the act outweighed the actual act.

There truly were blessings in marriage and for Zaakir Ahmed, one of them was his wife. The wife who seemed to have calmed down in the months since their marriage. His wife who had stubbornly made all their Ramadhaan preparations and yet she could not sit still. "Maleeha!" he sighed warily as he simultaneously bit into the quiche and used his free hand to place a firm grip on her bouncing leg beside him. "Please be still. Please stop bouncing your leg in an agitated manner."

She cringed and he felt guilty at the uncomfortable look on her face. "I'm sorry, Zaakir. I'm just really nervous about what you think of the savouries. I mean, I've been making them for years for my family, but I never really stopped once and thought about what kinds of savouries you might like. I'm just so used to making the fillings my family likes, that I never asked you if you had a favourite kind of filling. I really only asked you about what type of savouries you wanted."

With raised eyebrows, he sat back and watched as she rambled on about not being considerate about the kind of food he would like to eat while they fasted, but Zaakir kept quiet and continued to eat the savouries she set out.

"Okay, okay," he intervened as he pressed another feather light kiss to her cheek. "Calm down, love," he soothed as he took her hands in his and gestured with his chin to the almost empty tray. "Look at that. Does that look like I don't like the food?"

Her head turned slightly away from him and her soft, silky hair tickled his fingers that were cradling her cheeks. When she smiled at him shyly, Zaakir felt his heart fly away and unconsciously he mirrored her. "I love you, Maleeha, and that means supporting you through everything. I will eat whatever you make, I will drink anything that you made. Except mud cakes." He grinned devilishly. "I think that is one thing that you can't make yummy. Mine will always be better."

She shook her head and leaned her forehead against his, savouring the feel of his skin on hers. The softness of his skin soothed her warring emotions and calmed her fears. "You're too sweet for your own good," she mumbled against his skin, her lips branding his forehead as she spoke.

He chuckled lightly. "Only for you, my wife."

"But I have to disagree. I think that I really do make some amazing mud cakes!"

"In your dreams, yes."

"Ha!" she scoffed. "You're so mean!"

"No, I am not! You are the one who is so mean to me!"

"Zaakir!" she whined.

"Maleeha!" he mocked and then kissed her sweetly. "Are you calmer now?"

She pulled back with a tender smile. "Thank you."

"I'll always be here for you," he promised as he interlaced their fingers together.


The couple spent their last few days before Ramadhaan planning out their schedules so that nothing could get in their way of their ibaadah. Zaakir had ensured that all females could leave the office before 15:00 so that they were able to be at home and prepare the food during the holy month. As the time neared, Zaakir had sent out an official email stating that should anyone require to work from home, he would allow it if he was notified timeously. It was one of his ways to make life easier for everyone who worked in his company. He wanted to become someone who was known for his generosity and thoughtfulness, not for being a cruel dictator.

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