Part 15 -Travels

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Part 15 -Travels

"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made 
some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded..."

~Surah An-Nisa, Verse 34

Two weeks had passed on their adventures and Maleeha was beyond furious. She was unhappily being strung along by Zaakir as if she were an inanimate object. After visiting God's Window, they stopped in the historical town of Pilgrim's Rest and ate fresh macadamia nuts while strolling through the historical site, marvelling at the history. Old fashioned cars were on display and they took many pictures around, enjoying the last little of the sunlight. The next few days they spent in and around Mpumalanga. They spent a day driving through the Kruger National Park and managed to see the Big Five, as well as leopards, giraffes and many other animals in the Kruger National Park. Zaakir particularly enjoyed sleeping there. "Come now, Maleeha. Don't act like a child," he teased her.

She huffed irritably. "Stop treating me like a child!"

He glanced at her as he sat on the bed and gave her a dirty look. "You're such a bore, Maleeha!"

Her arms were crossed over her chest and she felt like murdering Zaakir. He was hurtling insult after insult and it was only making her angrier. "Maybe so!" she glared at him. "What's wrong with me not having a death wish? I'm boring because I don't want to die? Great, thanks! That means that I am completely normal." Maleeha rolled her eyes at Zaakir. "The last time I went along to one of your stupid ideas, I nearly died. Remember the river rafting?" she reminding him sarcastically.

He laughed and sent her a bland look. "That was due to your stupidity," he deadpanned, knowing she was not at fault at all.

Angrily, she slapped her hands on her thighs. "What stupidity?" she raised herself up to her knees and faced him, eyes burning with anger. "I was sitting dead still, fearing for my life as I paddled with the damn oar you shoved in my hand. I was afraid to suck in too deep of a breath in case I fell out. Guess I shouldn't have worried about that." She tilted her head, daring him to say anything. "How the hell was that stupid, huh? Mister Know-it-all!"

He balked realising that he was at fault. "You're carrying on as if I didn't jump into that raging river behind you and save you. As if I left you there to find your own way to shore." He exhaled angrily, as if he were disgusted at her. "You're acting like I didn't look after you as I nursed you back to health!"

"Oh my gosh!" Maleeha sighed, rolling her eyes at his idiocy. "Are you always an idiot or is it saved for special occasions?"

"Shut up!" he growled.

"No! So, what if you 'nursed me back to health'?" she asked mockingly. "Do you want an award for one good deed?" she huffed. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Her lip curled in disgust. "It would be another unnecessary inflation to your already enormous ego! But guess what, Mister Ahmed, that good Samaritan deed is actually called 'being human'!"

Zaakir pulled on his hair in frustration. "You're so unreasonable, Maleeha. You're blowing this out of proportion. All I said was that we are going on a hot-air balloon ride. It is only an hour long, after Asr and we will be back before Maghrib."

She groaned and threw herself back, sinking into the pillows on the bed. "Yeah, you make it sound so romantic but it is all about you and that Bucket List thing you have!"

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