She dropped her duffle onto the floor and set her purse on the bar. Palming her phone, she fought the urge to call Gabriel. She couldn't take the chance. If she heard his voice, there was no way she could keep the pregnancy a secret, and she wanted to tell him in person. Her phone rang, and she tried not to feel so disappointed it was only Dante.

"Zari, Ellie said you were going to Gabriel's house. If Perry shows up there, don't let him in. The guy's dangerous."

A chill ran up her spine. Her eyes darted around the room, then landed on the patio door, slightly ajar. Her heart thundered.

"Zari? Did you hear what I said?"

Was he already here? In the house? Think. Think. She struggled for breath and gained her wits. "I think it's too late for that. I'll let you know when I'm ready to talk." She clicked off, just as Perry appeared at the end of the hallway. Her heart stopped.  She struggled to move, but every fibre of muscle remained flaccid and useless, rooting her to the spot. How did he get into the house? Why was he here? Her brain screamed at her to run, but her feet were rooted to the floor.

She offered her best fake smile. "Perry. What are you doing here? How'd you get in?"

He moved closer. "Oops. You caught me. I know this looks bad, but I wanted to find out all I could about this guy you've been living with. I'd heard he left town, and you weren't staying here, so I jimmied the lock and let myself in. Never expected to see you, but now that you're here, things are perfect." He eyed her bag. "You're already packed, so we can leave."

Her knees weakened. She leaned against the counter for support and hoped her lie sounded honest. "I'm sorry, but I still don't remember you. I'm sure you're a nice guy because I wouldn't be with someone who isn't, right? But, I don't feel comfortable trying to take up where things left off if I don't have any memory of our life together. I just need a little more time."

He closed the distance between them and slid his arms around her waist. "I'm afraid that doesn't work for me, love."

She winced, and her bottom lip trembled. She tried to break his hold, but he tightened his grip. "Ah, you might remember more than you say. You recognized my little pet name, didn't you?"


He clamped his teeth together. "Don't lie to me."

"It sounds a little familiar, but that's all. That's how my memories have been happening. A flash here, a recognizable phrase, a sound. Things are coming in bits and pieces, that's why I need more time. The doctor said if I tried to force them, they might just bury deeper."

"All the more reason for us to be together. How can you expect to recall our history if you're not around me?" He released his hold and closed his fingers around her wrist, then picked up her bag with his free hand.

She struggled. "I can't leave town. I have a contract to perform at the bar."

He jerked her forward, and his gaze slithered over her. "You don't have a choice."

"You're kidnapping me? You can't get away with that. Dale knows I wouldn't ditch a performance. My family won't believe I just left without a word."

He laughed, the sound so maniacal, Zari's stomach turned.

Then his eyes lit up like a cat who'd just found a nest of baby birds. "Oh, Zari, love, you've already done that. Disappeared and ended up here in this godforsaken place. If you'd not survived the accident, it would have been weeks before your family knew your whereabouts. They'll just think you were so distraught over all their deception you've pulled the same stunt again. Poor little Zari always running away from conflict."

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