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"well let's get this mess cleaned up then we can get you in the doctors in a week." Ethan spoke giving me a weak smile I just nodded my head and laid back down facing the wall, the twins finish cleaning and walk out of my room giving me some time to myself and I began to fall asleep.

A week later

It's been a week since the threesome and me and the twins took a break from sex I mean we still did oral stuff but that's it rn, today was the day we go to the doctors to see if I'm pregnant or not and I'm kinda nervous.

After car ride

We got to the place and got out we sat in the waiting room impatiently and after the nerve racking wait I was finally called in and both of the twins stand up coming with me, I sat on the table that your supposed to be on at the doctors and waited for the doctor to enter, and he did he had me do some tests and then I had to wait again for the results.

An hour later

The doctor came back in the room with a clip board with a sad face and began to talk "well your not pregnant that's for sure, but you'll never be able to get pregnant." My eyes went wide as tears flooded out of them "I'm not able to have kids...?" I say softly "it seems so" he says as the tears still ran down my face, I hung my head down low as tears soaked my jeans I could only hear those words 'you'll never be able to have kids' I sniffled and wiped my tears off of my face but no matter how many times I wiped my face the tears kept coming "okay thanks doc." I say and walk out as the twins follow behind

I got into the car in the back and just sat there replaying his words over and over again 'you'll never be able to get pregnant' I mean I was happy I wasn't pregnant but I wanted to have kids in my future so I guess that will never happen now, I kept my head hung low the whole car ride.

Skip car ride...

We got home and I got out of the car and ran to my room and started to pack my bags because I just wanted to be alone and go home for a little bit, at that moment I didn't really care if I'd get in trouble by Lisa or anyone I just wanted to get away and that's what I did, I packed up the necessary stuff and jumped out my window landing on the grass on my knees which really hurt but I ignored the pain and got up and began to walk eight blocks to my house, as I was walking I could see headlights but I ignored them as I thought they were just some person passing by but they weren't. It was the twins I could tell by the car I just acted like I didn't see it and walked to my front door and unlocked it and went in, the smell of my home rose up to my nose making memories come back up to me and then I decided to go to the kitchen so I could throw away all the old food, once I did that I grabbed my bag once again and went upstairs to my room but when I did I heard shuffling in there so I thought there was a burglar inside,

I grabbed a crow bar from the hallway closet and opened the door slowly then stopped when I realized it was the twins "really guys?" I said making the twins turn around and look at me "hey we were worried about you." Ethan said, I just put the crow bar down and crossed my arms looking at my feet not saying anything "oh my god your knees! Are you okay?" Grayson asked getting concerned walking closer, I stepped back putting hand up to his chest and he stopped "look I know you guys care about me and just looking out for me but I think I just want to spend the night here by myself tonight I just need to process everything okay." I spoke not looking at either of them in the eyes, they both said okay and walked out of the house as I sighed I went downstairs to lock the door then went back into my bedroom and went to bed.

Next morning...

I woke up to a notification from my phone so I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes and took my phone off the charger and it read, 'get here now you have explaining to do.' It was from Lisa so I rolled my eyes and changed into a grey thrasher hoodie and slid on black ripped skinny jeans and white high tops I then did my morning routine then grabbed all my stuff and packed it in my bag knowing I was just going to be forced to stay there so I didn't really want to fight I had no energy

At the Dolan household...

I walked in the front door with my bag on my shoulder looking at my feet waiting to be yelled at, "Leah..." I heard the familiar voice then looked up and widened my eyes when I saw my sister Ella and my eyes began to water, I haven't seen her since I was 9 because she was taken from social services and I missed her so much and I ran to her and gave her the tightest hug and began to let all of my emotions come up, I was so happy to see her I was making her shoulder soaked from my tears so I pulled from the hug "I've missed you." I said with tears streaming down my face and a smile "I know but I'm finally back... and I'm sorry for leaving you behind." She said with a sad look on her face, I shook my head "no it wasn't your fault and plus it was for your own good." I replied drying my tears with my sleeve "look at you little sis your all grown up I'm so proud of you" she said with a smile I just chuckled "so are you in college now? I mean since your 20 now." I asked "ahaha nope but I have a job I just got here and I'll be staying at Are house so if you want to stay home you can but it's your decision" she says smiling, "Well I cant refuse that offer. But I'm still going to spend the night here every weekend" I say smiling from ear to ear "fine with me." She says smiling.

Off Limits ~ G.D. E.D.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang