CH. 14

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                A L E S S I O

"Connor's catching feelings for her, you know."Jeremy says

"Like it isn't obvious enough, I went to his house and all she was doing was trying to make him smile."Hannah agrees playing with Maddie's hair


"Yeah, and your dumbass made her question you all over again after going to hook up with that model in a relationship." Maddie spat and I throw my head back in frustration

"I get it, I'm stupid."I sighed

"Oh, sweetie. That ship has sailed."Jeremy chuckles

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"What if you come with us to Miami? We leave on Thursday."Maddie suggests and I shrug

"It's her birthday, I can't go uninvited."

"Get your manager to have a photo shoot for you too during the same time period and BAM! You have an excuse to be there too!"Hannah exclaimed

"Holy shit! Hannah this might be the best idea you've had yet!"Jeremy says

"I'm paying for the hotel rooms, so maybe, I can get you one that's close to ours. Then, I can invite you on our activities so I'm not a fifth wheel!"He continues

"I'm gonna go to her house."I declare and then feel my arm pulled

"Not like that, you idiot. Dress up, get her flowers, maybe get her some snacks."Maddie huffs


* * *

An hour later and at exactly 11:47 PM, I'm outside her window a little bit nervous.

I have a rose in my hand as well as a basket of a bunch of candy and a family size bag of Flamin' Hot Cheeto Puffs.

Fucking shit. What do I do?

Do I throw a rock at her window?

Do I climb up to her window?

What is romantic to do outside a girls window?

I quickly hid behind a bush typing it on google but all that came up was some article that said "25 songs to play on a boom box outside a girl's window to win her back"

Apparently, his. - ALESSIO SCALZOTTOWhere stories live. Discover now