Can We All Say Goodbye?

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On David's surfboard, he took Lilo and Stitch to shore. "So you're from outer space, huh? I heard the surfing's choice" he said. On shore, suddenly, a lizard guard captured Stitch. "We have 626" he said. "Take him to my ship" said the Grand Councilwoman. "Leave him alone!" said Lilo. Cobra Bubbles stopped her. "Hold on" he said. "Grand Councilwoman, let me explain" said Gantu. "Silence! I am retiring you, Captain Gantu" Grand Councilwoman told him. Gantu gaped. "Actually, credit for the capture goes to-" said Pleakley. "Goes to me. You'll be lucky if you end up on a Fluff Trog farm after we sort this thing out." said Grand Councilwoman. "Uh...I think I should..." said Jumba trying to walk away. "You?! You're the cause of all this! If it wasn't for your Experiment 626 none of this-" said Grand Councilwoman before Stitch interrupted her. "Stitch" said the blue alien. The female alien turned to him. "What?" she asked. "My name Stitch" said Stitch. "Stitch then. If it wasn't for Stitch-" said Grand Councilwoman before staring at Stitch. "Does Stitch have to go in the ship?" Stitch asked. "Yes" said Grand Councilwoman. "Can Stitch say goodbye?" Stitch asked. "Yes" said Grand Councilwoman. "Thank you" said Stitch.

He walked over to Lilo and Nani. Lilo embraced him. "Who are you?" asked the Grand Councilwoman. Lilo let go of Stitch. "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken...but still good. Yeah. Still good" said Stitch. As Stitch headed back to the ship, Bubbles and the Grand Councilwoman watched him pass. "Does he really have to go?" Pleakley asked. The Grand Councilwoman sighed. "You know as well as I that our laws are absolute. I cannot change what the Council has decided" she said. "Lilo-chan, didn't you buy Stitch at the shelter?" asked Nozomi. Lilo pulled out the receipt from her pocket and ran to the Grand Councilwoman. "Hey!" said Lilo. The Grand Councilwoman looked at her. "Three days ago, I bought Stitch at the shelter. I paid two dollars for him" said Lilo opening the paper. "See this stamp? I own him" she said pointing at the stamp on the receipt. The Grand Councilwoman took the receipt and read it. "If you take him, you're stealing" said Lilo. "Aliens are all about rules." said Bubbles. "You look familiar" said Grand Councilwoman. "CIA. Roswell. 1973." said Bubbles. "Ah, yes. You had hair then" said Grand Councilwoman. "You know each other?" Rin asked. "Yes actually" said Bubbles.

"Take note of this" said Grand Councilwoman. She picked up Stitch and took off the handcuffs. "This creature has been sentenced to life in exile a sentence that shall be henceforth served out here" she said putting him next to Lilo. "On Earth" she concluded. Lilo hugged Stitch. "And as caretaker of the alien life-form, Stitch, this family is now under the official protection of the United Galactic Federation. We'll be checking in now and then" Grand Councilwoman told Bubbles. "I was afraid you were going to say that. This won't be easy to explain back at headquarters." said Bubbles. "I know what you mean" said the Grand Councilwoman smiling. As she neared the ship, she waved to Jumba and Pleakley and leaned to a guard. "Don't let those two get on my ship" she told the guard.

Smoke builded up as the Grand Councilwoman's ship took off. After it did, Nani turned to Bubbles. "CIA?" she asked. "Former. Saved the planet once. Convinced an alien race that mosquitoes were an endangered species. Now, about your house..." said Bubbles. "I'm sure you can all get it fixed" said Urara. "We will. I got an appointment to get to so I'll see you all later" said Bubbles before walking away. "We never introduced ourselves to you" said Nozomi to Jumba and Pleakley. She introduced herself and her friends to them. "Nice to meet ya" said Pleakley. "Starting today, you all will live together and be one big happy family" said Nozomi. She smiled and she and her friends started to glow. "Why are you all glowing?" Stitch asked. "Remember what we told you when we first met? About this being a dream to us and real life to you?" asked Komachi. "Yes, I remember" said Nani. "I remember too. So does the glowing mean you are waking up?" Lilo asked. "We must assume so-coco" said Coco. "All of this is a dream?! How can that be?!" asked Pleakley. "Long story" said Rin. "I guess now we all have to say goodbye" said Lilo. "Yeah" said Nozomi.

The pink-haired girl knelt on one leg to Lilo. "Nozomi, you've been a great friend to me. Thank you" said Lilo. Nozomi opened her arms and Lilo hugged her. "I wish you the best of luck in hula" said Nozomi. "Thanks" said Lilo. They let go and Karen knelt on one leg to Stitch. "I used to not like water but after seeing Cure Aqua, I changed my mind. I'll try to get used to water." said Stitch. "Okay Stitch. Now you continue being good from now on, okay?" said Karen smiling. Stitch hugged Karen and Karen hugged him back. "Thank you for everything...Karen" said Stitch. "You're welcome Stitch" said Karen. They let go and the fairies approached Lilo and Nani. "Coco, Nuts, Milk, Syrup, thanks for always being there for us" said Lilo. "Our pleasure-coco" said Coco. The sisters patted the fairies on their heads. "Jumba-san, try not to be evil anymore, okay?" said Komachi. "Now that I'm part of this family, I don't have to because now I know not to be evil" said Jumba. "Pleakley-san, please keep looking after Jumba-san" said Urara. "I will and I can assure you that I will be responsible for him" said Pleakley. "Once our house is done being repaired, I'll write you a letter" said Lilo to Nozomi. "And I look forward to hearing what you say in it. And when I write you back, I'll tell you all about the place where we live! It's decided!" said Nozomi. "Huh?" said Jumba, Pleakley, and Stitch. "Nozomi says that a lot. It's a habit" said Rin.

The girls and fairies started to glow more. "It's time everyone-coco" said Coco. They stepped back and waved goodbye. "Goodbye everyone! We'll miss you!" said Nozomi. The 5 companions waved goodbye back. "We'll miss you too and we hope to see you in your dreams again!" said Lilo. "You will, I'm sure!" said Nozomi. "The rest of you can send us letters too if you want-ropu! I can deliver anywhere-ropu!" said Syrup. "Will do!" said Pleakley. Everyone said goodbye once more and the girls and fairies glowed so much, they disappeared. Stitch looked down after seeing them disappear. "Don't worry Stitch. We'll see them again sometime, I promise" said Lilo. "Okay" said Stitch. When the girls and fairies woke up, it was morning. Nozomi looked at the ceiling smiling. "We'll see them again sometime. No doubt about it" she said to herself.

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