Milky Rose vs Jumba

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Back in the forest, Stitch lied with his head on the open book. He stirred and opened his eyes. He scanned the nearby trees then clasped his hands together. Jumba appeared carrying his plasma cannon. He chuckled and Stitch gasped when he saw him. "Don't run. Don't make me shoot you. You were expensive" said Jumba. Stitch's ears drooped. "Yes, yes, that's it. Come quietly." said Jumba. "W-waiting" said Stitch. "For what?" Jumba asked. He stepped on the Ugly Duckling book. "Family" said Stitch. "Ah! You don't have one. I made you." said Jumba. "Oh...maybe I could..." Stitch began. "You're built to destroy. You can never belong. Now come quietly and we will take you apart" said Jumba. Stitch ran away. "No, no, no, no, don't, don't run! Don't run! Ay yi!" said Jumba.

At the house, Nani sat the kitchen table with her head resting on her hand. Lilo walked in wearing a red dress with white leaf patterns. Nani looked up with teary eyes. "Lilo. I didn't hear you get up" she sniffed. Her little sister stood with her head looking down. "Baby, what's wrong?" Nani asked. "Stitch left" said Nozomi walking in. "Really?" asked Nani. "It's good he's gone. He didn't want to be here, anyway. We don't need him" said Lilo. Nani got up and approached her sister. "Lilo...sometimes you try your hardest but things don't work out the way you want them to. Sometimes things have to change and maybe sometimes they're for the better...even if..." Nani said before she heard knocking at the door. "Nani!" said David. Nani opened the door. "David!" she said. "I think I found you a job." said David. "You what?!" said Nani. "Old man Kukhkini's store, but we got to hurry" said David. "Oh, um, okay." said Nani. She approached her sister and said "Lilo? Baby, this is really important. I need you to stay here with your friends for a few minutes. I'm going to be right back. Lock the door and don't answer it for anyone, okay? Things are finally turning around". Nani and David ran outside. "Aw, David, I owe you one." said Nani. "That's okay. You can just date me, and we'll call it even" said David. They ran off down a path. As they disappeared behind the trees, Stitch ran out dodging plasma blasts. Jumba followed him. "Come back here, you little!" he said.

In the house, Lilo and everyone else headed over to the stairs when they saw Stitch hurry in. "Stitch?" said everyone. Stitch hurried to her. "What is it?" Lilo asked. Stitch shushed her. Jumba appeared around the corner. "Oh, hiding behind your little friends won't work anymore. Didn't I tell you? We got fired this morning" he said. He laughed and Stitch moved everyone to the other room. "New rules" said Jumba. He fired and Stitch caught the plasma ball. He threw it back to Jumba's face, then the record player. Stitch rushed to everyone. "What are we gonna do?" Lilo asked. "I'll transform and fight him" said Kurumi. "But can you really do it alone?" Lilo asked. "Don't worry. I'll be fine" said Kurumi. Jumba searched the house for Stitch. "Come out, my friend from whomever you're hiding behind" he called. Kurumi appeared in front of him. "I won't let you hurt Stitch!" she said. Lilo watched Kurumi transform in the other room. A large blue rose bloomed and turned into the Milky Palette. Kurumi grabbed it with her left hand. Using the Palette Pen, she tapped on the leftmost white screen, then the three large buttons on the Palette's bottom row in sequence. This caused the rightmost white screen to shine. Kurumi crossed her arms and shouted "Skyrose Translate!" causing her body to shine and blue roses to bloom at her feet. All the blue roses explode in a storm of petals, and Kurumi was seen in their midst, her body shining with purple light. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, and petals surrounded them to form her arm protectors. She spun around as the petals came to form her skirt, then her shoes. Lastly, the petals formed her top, and the two ribbons in her hair exploded in petals which then formed her rose tiara as her hair visibly lengthens. Milky Rose opened her eyes and said "The blue rose is my secret emblem!" using her right hand to create the blue rose on her top. She spun around and said "Milky Rose!" and the remaining petals floating around turned into fully bloomed blue roses.

Lilo was amazed. "Milky Rose...she looks amazing" she said. "Milky Rose, huh? I don't know who you are but you're in my way!" said Jumba. He fired at her and Rose dodged it. She jumped up and kicked Jumba from behind making him fall. "So it's a fight you want, eh? You asked for it!" he said. He fired multiple times and Rose dodged every one leading her to the kitchen. The more she dodged, the more plasma blasts hit the ceiling. Outside, the blasts smashed through the roof and Pleakley watched. "No...No...No!" he yelled. Back inside, the ceiling collapsed around Milky Rose. "I must say for a girl, you do have amazing abilities but they won't do you any good" said Jumba. "No!" said Lilo hitting Jumba with a broom. Stitch leaped on Jumba and threw him through a window. Rose got up. "Thanks Stitch" she said. "Quick! Follow me! If we make it-" said Lilo before opening the back door. "You're alive!" said Pleakley. Lilo shut the door. "They're all over the place!" said Lilo. Jumba reappeared laughing. "Running away? Here...let me stop you" he said before throwing a weapon which almost hit Pleakley. "You always get in the way" said Jumba. "Where's the girl? What have you done to the girl?" asked Pleakley climbing on Jumba. "Hello? Cobra Bubbles? Aliens are attacking my house" said Lilo on the phone. "No, no, no! No aliens" said Pleakley running over to her. A blue car smashed through the house and Rose raised it over her head. She smacked Jumba with it. "They want my dog!" said Lilo on the phone. "There's no need to alert the authorities" said Pleakley. Before he could grab the phone, Nozomi pushed him and she grabbed the phone. "Everything's under control" said Nozomi. "Lilo, was that one of your friends?" asked Bubbles. "Oh, good, my dog found the chainsaw" said Lilo before hanging up."Lilo! Don't hang!" said Bubbles.

Jumba and Milky Rose were punching and kicking each other until Jumba grabbed his plasma cannon and blasted Stitch making him let go of the chainsaw. Lilo screamed and ran. Pleakley grabbed her in his arms and climbed up the walls. "You're insane! Absolutely insane!" he said before running off. "What do you know?" Jumba asked. Rose pushed the washing machine out of the way, grabbed the pipe that was connected to it and turned the valve. Jumba turned to her and laughed. Pleakley ran outside with Lilo and Nozomi and her friends followed them. Milky Rose glared at Jumba and the alien prepared to fire. When he did fire, the house exploded in a burst of green smoke. The degree sent Pleakley tumbling.

Meanwhile with Nani, she walked out of the general store. "Thanks. Mahalo plenty. You won't be disappointed. I'll show up early to help with the morning deliver..." she said. Then she saw a firetruck go by. "Oh, don't turn left" she said. The firetruck turned left onto a dirt road. "Oh no" said Nani. Elsewhere, Stitch and Milk crawled from a pile of broken boards. Nani ran past them. Lilo sat in Bubbles' arms. "One of them had a giant eye in the middle of his face" she told him. "Oh Lilo!" said Nani. As Nani ran up, Bubbles put Lilo in his car. "Please don't do this." said Nani. "You know I have no choice" said Bubbles. "No! You're not taking her! I'm the only one who understands her! You take that away, she won't stand a chance!" said Nani. Stitch and Milk watched from the trees as Lilo listened. "You're making this harder than it needs to be" said Bubbles. "You don't know what you're doing! She needs me!" said Nani. "Is this what she needs?!" said Bubbles pointing to the smoky ruin. "It seems clear to me that you need her a lot more than she needs you". Lilo escaped out the other door and Bubbles glanced into his empty car. He and Nani called for Lilo. Stitch and Milk spotted the picture of Lilo's family on the ground. Two corners are burned. Stitch picked it up gently.

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