Meeting and Spending Time With Stitch

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Stitch woke up groaning and whimpering. He gasped when he saw 4 dogs whimpering in fear. Stitch stood up and growled looking like he was going to blast the dogs but then he saw that his battle suit and plasma cannons were gone. Instead he shouted at the dogs in alien language. Then Nani's voice was heard. She, Lilo and their friends were at the front desk of the animal shelter talking to the rescue lady. "We're looking for something that can defend itself...something that won't die...something sturdy, you know?" Nani said. "Like a lobster" Lilo added. "Lilo, you lolo. Do we have a lobster door? No. We have a dog door. We are getting a dog." Nani told Lilo. While she talked, Stitch climbed the ceiling and went out the front door. When he got out he noticed there was a red glowing dot on him. Then he dodged plasma blasts that targeted him and he grunted frantically while dodging. He hid behind a rock and heard Jumba laughing in a distance. "So nice to see your pretty face again!" said Jumba. "Jumba?" Stitch asked. The rescue lady told Nani that she needed her name and address at the bottom of a form. Then the front door opened and closed and Stitch climbed the ceiling again. The rescue lady opened the door to the kennel. "The kennel's back this way" she said. "Go. Pick someone out" Nani said to Lilo.

Lilo went into the kennel and when she got in, she didn't see any dogs. "Hello? Hello?!" she echoed. Stitch thumped his head against a brick wall when he heard Lilo's voice. Are there any "animals" in here?" Lilo asked. All the dogs were above her panting and whimpering. Stitch watched Lilo and sniffed. Then he saw a sign that said "Adopt Today". "Hello!" Lilo called. Stitch thought of a plan so he retracted his second set of arms, his antennae, and the three spines on his back into his body. He rushed toward Lilo and the girl turned around and noticed him. "Hi" said Lilo. "Hoh... ha...Hi..." said Stitch. He hugged Lilo and the girl was amazed. "Wow!" she said. "Oh, yes. Mm-hmm. All of our dogs are adoptable." the rescue lady told Nani. When she saw Stitch with Lilo she yelled "Except that one!". Nani grabbed Lilo and the rescue lady grabbed Stitch and said "What is that thing?! A dog, I think. But it was dead this morning". "It was dead this morning?!" Nani asked. "Well, we thought it was dead. It was hit by a truck." said the rescue lady. "I like him! Come here, boy" said Lilo. Stitch crawled to Lilo with a straining growl and crawled onto Nani making her shriek a bit. Nani pushed him back while the rescue lady held him. "Wouldn't you like a different dog?" Nani asked. "We have better dogs, dear" said the rescue lady. "Not better than him. He can talk! Say hello." said Lilo. "He... Hel..." Stitch began. "Dogs can't talk, dear" said the rescue lady. "He did" Lilo replied. "Does it have to be this dog?" Nani asked. Stitch panted, picked his nose and smashed the booger. "Yes, he's good. I can tell" said Lilo. "So can we" said Nozomi.

The rescue lady held an adoption form. "You'll have to think of a name for him" she said. "His name is...Stitch" said Lilo. "Now, that's not a real Iceland...but here, it's a good name. Stitch it is. And there's a two dollar license fee." said the rescue lady. "I want to buy him!" said Lilo. "Can I borrow two dollars?" she whispered to Nani. Her sister handed her the dollars and Lilo gave the dollars back to her. Nozomi and her friends looked at each other at the way Lilo bought Stitch. The rescue lady stamped the form and handed it to Lilo. "He's all yours" she said. Jumba looked at everyone using his plasma cannon outside. "You're all mine" he said. "Well, what's he doing?" asked Pleakley. "Shh! Keep quiet. He's listening for us." Jumba told him. "How good is his hearing? I mean can he..." Pleakley whispered. Jumba choked him so Pleakley wouldn't talk anymore. Stitch opened the door and Jumba targeted him. He noticed that Stitch wasn't running away. "Why don't you run?" he asked. Jumba prepared to blast him and Stitch barked for Lilo. "Coming! I'm coming!" said Lilo coming outside to hug Stitch. "Stop!" said Pleakley pushing Jumba's arm making him miss. "I have just determined this situation to be far too hazardous!" "Don't worry, I won't hit her" said Jumba grabbing Pleakly and throwing him back. Pleakley got up and blocked the plasma cannon. "No! That girl is a part of the mosquito food chain. Here! Educate yourself." he said showing Jumba his pictures of Earth lifeforms. "Using a little girl for a shield. This is low, even for you!" Jumba yelled. Nozomi and her friends came outside when Stitch stood on his arms and said "Whoo-hoo!" tauntingly. Jumba rushed towards Stitch with Pleakly following him. "Tear him apart with all both my bare hands!" Jumba yelled. "Have you lost your mind?!" Pleakley yelled. Stitch barked at them. "What is it Stitch?" Lilo asked. "We cannot be seen!" said Pleakley. He and Jumba jumped behind a bush. The rescue lady and Nani came outside. The rescue lady sprayed Stitch saying "Bad dog, barking at nothing!". Jumba muttered. "You can't shoot, and you can't be seen. Look at you! You look like a monster. We have to blend in" Pleakley told him.

Then the girls and Stitch walked through town. "Okay I got to get to work. You and your friends stick around town and stay out of the roads, okay? I'll see you all at 1:00" Nani told Lilo. There were TVs in the window at the shop they were in front of. The TVs were in black and white and they were showing a movie about a giant spider attacking a city. When Urara saw it, she imagined the TVs being turned off and it happened just as Stitch started to look at them. "Aww..." he said in disappointment. "Okay, I guess we should be going" said Nani. She gave Lilo a raspberry kiss. Lilo giggled. "What about Stitch?" she asked. Nani just made a disgusted grunt. Lilo waved Nani goodbye and then they all heard bicycle bell chime. They turned around to see Lilo's classmates on their bicycles. Stitch growled when he saw them. Lilo gasped. "My other friends!" she said. Mertle, Yuki and Teressa noticed and they gasped and shrieked. They tried to pedal away but Lilo ran in front of them making them stop. "What do you want?" Mertle asked. "I'm sorry I bit you and pulled your hair and punched your in the face" said Lilo. "Apology not accepted. Now get out of my way before I run you over" said Mertle. She shrieked when she saw Stitch. "I got a new dog. His name is Stitch" said Lilo. "That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw" said Mertle. "Yeah" added Yuki and Teressa. Stitch put his paw on Mertle's wheel. "Eww! Get it away from me! I'm gonna get a disease!" Mertle cried. Stitch turned his head and saw Jumba and Pleakley in disguises. He gasped and pulled up Mertle's bicycle making her fall off, shriek and cry. Lilo hopped on to the bicycle and took off with Stitch as Mertle cried "Somebody do something!". Nozomi and her friends ran after them. "Oh, great! He's loose" Pleakley complained. "His destructive programming is taking effect. He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe" Jumba explained.

Stitch drove the bicycle to a beach and he didn't see any cities or any way to escape. The same happened when he drove the bicycle to a cliff. "Stitch, slow down!" said Nozomi running after him. Stitch drove the bicycle to another cliff but still no city or any way to escape. Nozomi and her friends panted when they caught up with Stitch and Lilo. "It's nice to live on an island with no large cities" said Lilo. That made Stitch gasp and start babbling. "Are you okay?" asked Lilo. "He'll be fine" said Kurumi.

They went to a park where Lilo was teaching Stitch how to fetch. She threw a stick but Stitch didn't fetch it so she sprayed him. "You're supposed to get the stick" Rin told Stitch. Lilo sprayed a few more times while pointing at the stick. Stitch grabbed the spray bottle and threw it away. Lilo looked annoyed when he did that. Then they went to some picnic tables and Nani was carrying a boxed lunch. She opened it and before Stitch could take something, she closed it and said "Uh-uh-uh". Before Stitch could hit her, he saw Jumba about to take out his plasma cannon. Stitch groaned and hugged Lilo. Next, they went to the beach and Nozomi picked up a pretty pink seashell. Stitch smacked it out of her hand and then got hit by a volleyball. A surfer boy asked Stitch to throw it to him and when he did, he hit the surfer boy on the head making him fall. Stitch rolled over and laughed a bit. Then they went back to town and Lilo bought snow cones for her and Stitch. Stitch along with the girls were looking at postcards when Lilo handed Stitch his snow cone. The alien licked it and saw a dog. Before Lilo could lick her's, Stitch put his snow cone on the dog's head. They walked around and Stitch saw a rocket ride. He climbed on but he couldn't get the rocket to take off. Lilo put in a coin through the coin slot and climbed on the ride. The ride started and Stitch was disappointed when he saw the rocket wasn't taking off. Jumba laughed. "When you're ready to give up just let us know, heh?" he told Stitch. "Whee!" said Lilo. The girls smiled at Lilo and Stitch.

Lilo, Stitch, and Pretty CureWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu