Ako: C-Coooool!!!

Rinko: W-Well if E-Everyone is on board...

Yukina: ...I'm glad you all Agree. Marina-san, We would Like to join.

Marina: Splendid! Ah...You guys need a manager though, every band is required to have one.

Yukina: Manager?

Marina: Yup, They need to be Experienced with the world of music, they need to be good with at least one instrument, and they need to be willing.

As soon as she finished talking, All of them turned their heads to me.

Yukina: ....

Lisa: ....

Rinko: ....

Sayo: ....

Ako: ....

Marina: ....*cough*

Takumi: ...I-I'm gonna get a coffee outside. See ya guys lat-

Yukina: Taku, will you please do this for me?

Takumi: Yuki-nee, You can't be serious.

Lisa: Taku, we Really need you!

Takumi: Lisa-nee...

Rinko: P-Please, Taku.

Ako: I-If thou shall do me this good deed I shall repay thou- what I'm trying to say is, we'll do anything so please!

Takumi: Rinko...Ako...

Sayo: We Really need this Imai-Kun.

Takumi: Sayo-san...

Marina: Look, Mr.Takumi, these girls really need you, can't you find it in your heart to Help them on their journey to become the ultimate band?

Takumi: .....damn...Fine. Edmond would probably kill me if he found out I was doing this but..hey...you guys look promising. Count me in.

Roselia: Ahh~! Thank you Taku!

Marina: Nice Nice! I'll sign you up. Just one more band and we're set-

The doors suddenly burst open.

???: *sniff* *sniff* Lethargy.

Marina: aaahh...

Takumi: ....Athena. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in France studying for your mid-terms.

Athena: Taku, I came to show you...that I'm worth it.

Takumi: ....damn it Athena...I told you, I'm not going to join your band.

Athena: Then how about a proposal?

Takumi: ....what do you propose?

Athena: The Band wars. If I win, You quit Edmond Dantès and come join me. However, If your band wins, I shall give up.

Takumi: ...Fine.

Athena: Very well. Hey you, Lady, Tell the higher ups that My band will be joining.

Marina: u-um...band name please?

Athena: Remnant.

Maria: R-Remnant!? The band who won every single award in the previous band wars!?

Athena: .....

Takumi: Athena...

Athena: Lethargy.

She leaves.

Lisa: F-Friend of Yours?

Takumi: Yeah, we used to be band members. But when Athena left for england, the band broke up, And Edmond scouted me.

Yukina: Don't worry Taku, we won't give you up.

Lisa: You just Don't want Taku to be with a cuttie from another country am I right.

Yukina: *Blush* ...

Rinko: But...was that really smart Taku?

Takumi: Yeah, I know you guys can come out on top. I have complete faith in you.

Sayo: *Blush* THE Takumi Imai has faith in our skills?

Ako: Hah. If thou trusts us so much....We'll give it all We've got!

Marina: ....well, break a leg you guys. This is gonna be a loooong ride.

To be continued...


Edmond: Damn it! That Athena, always messing up Taku's life.

Edmond Bandmate (Elizabeth): Taku has been through so much, Athena just keeps Messing with him.

Edmond Bandmate (Ashe): We are going to save Taku right?

Edmond: of course we are! That's why we joined the tournament right?

Edmond Bandmate (Jeane): .....

Edmond: Jeane?

Jeane: ...I will make Athena pay.

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