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bathH2Ostan: why do you keep staring at ste like /that/

bigwill: like /what/?

bathH2Ostan: like you want to spank him for being a bad, bad boy

bigwill: tf

bathH2Ostan: you seem angry at him

bathH2Ostan: why? i hope its not because you guys are not together anymore, cause that's petty and problematic and also radiates toxic masculinity and im gonna have to CANCEL you

bigwill: 1.are you high?? 2. we were never together. 3. i just can't believe he likes laurence now

bathH2Ostan: lmao no way..who told you this?

bigwill: george and fraser

bathH2Ostan: ohhh

bigwill: so its not true?

bathH2Ostan: you got,,,, BAITED

bigwill: i will kill them

bathH2Ostan: ok, but you were bothered about it and im pretty sure they were just trying to prove a point

bathH2Ostan: just talk to ste

bigwill: easier said than done

bathH2Ostan: he was your best mate and now you don't even talk

bathH2Ostan: clearly you like him or else you wouldnt care

bathH2Ostan: you can't deny it anymore will ffs

bathH2Ostan: i know you have some issues but this is getting ridiculous

bathH2Ostan: just TALK to him and tell him how you feel FOR FUCKS SAKE you can't even get it up anymore because youre way too into him PLEASE just talk to him PLEASE

bigwill: im scared

bathH2Ostan: oh babe

bathH2Ostan: its ok to be scared, but you can't continue like that. its destroying you both

bigwill: i want to punch george and fraser

bathH2Ostan: yeah this wasnt their brightest idea but they just want the best for you

bigwill: ...

bigwill: i want to go home

bathH2Ostan: if you dont want to talk to him in person because its too much, text him. it will be easier

bigwill: i might, but i will drink first

bathH2Ostan: lmao dont overdo it though

bigwill: obviously, i say the dumbest shit drunk i dont want to end up embarrassing myself

bathH2Ostan: that's my boy!!


uhh do you want will and ste to end up together or ste just,,, being done with will's shit?

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz