how you first meet

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(y/n)-your name

(r/s)-random show

(F/c)-faviorte color

(y/n)-your name


I walk out of my house and put on my headphones

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I walk out of my house and put on my headphones. I was enjoying my favorite song, trying to calm my nerves before the U.A. entrance exam. I lived near by the school I thought that I wouldn't have to leave early. But, I should have left earlier, because arrived just in time. Great, now I have no time for me to clam down before the exam.

There was only one set left in the room were the presentation was being held. it was next to a boy with wild green hair. As the presentation started the boy with green hair started to mutter. I realized that what he was saying was pretty smart stuff, so you tried your best to pay attention to what he was muttering.

During the presentation a squareish (is that a word) boy with blue hair called out the green haired boy for his muttering. I mean, we are in a room filled with excited high schoolers siting next to their friends, there is no way his was the only one talking (well I guesses he was muttering). At the end of the presentation, after regaining my hearing, I noticed that the green bunny(yes I did just change his name from green haired boy to green bunny, fight me) was being yelled at by a blonde hedgehog , for looking at his card. Touchy. Wait, why am I even paying attention to this random boy (plot convenience).

After the hedgehog left I looked over at the green bunny's card and saw that we would be fighting in the same mock battle field. Just then he turned his head and saw me looking at his card. So I said something before he did. "Hi I'm (y/n), and it looks like we are in the some battle field." You stuck your hand for him to take. He turned a bright red and took my hand. he looked like he was going to faint so I let go of his hand and left. I didn't get his name, maybe i'll take to him latter, but why do I care. ( like I said a second ago, plot convenience) Maybe because he's cute.

(that took way to long)


(your 4)

(your 4)

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