{2} Rude much

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Chapter 2



"Oh my god, this dress is perfect for you Ang!" Alexandra said. The dress was white on the top and bluish-green at the end. "Whatever you like Alex I'll take it because it's your cousins marriage not mine," I said bored.

Tomorrow was her cousin, Stephan, going to marry a girl named Amanda. They where going to have a beach wedding.

Stephan was a totall pain in the ass. When we were younger he and Alex' brother, David, use to do pranks on us.

But thankfully that stopped when they were going to college and stuff. Now we actually are good friends. They did alot of pranks on us and annoyed the shitt out of us but when someone else did it they beated the crap outa them with my brother, Josh.

Aaah... Good old days.

"Finally! can we go and get ice cream now?" I asked with big puppy eyes. Alex rolled her eyes. "Can you atleast pay for it first?" she answered back.

"Hey worker lady!" I shouted. "Yes mam can I help you?" She answered back with a fake smile, she could maybe trick others to believe it was her real, sweet and kind smile but I knew her too well. I smiled at her and said "Here is the dress I want to buy, can you send the bill to my dad? Thank you, I have to go now. Bye, nice talking to you!" I almost screamed while walking out of the store without waiting for her replay.

"Done, can we go get the ice cream now?" I asked with a smirk playing on my lips.

she shook her head and began walking to the ice cream heaven.

I swear she walked so fast I had to run to walk beside her. "Can you please slow down? we are not in an olympic competition! Jesus christ!" I shouted after her while breathing like a dog. "Such a drama queen," I heard Alex mumble. The only thing I did was laugh and answer "But you still love me," with a pedophile face.

We walked into our favorite ice cream shop. My other bestfrind, Marcus, use to work here. He has blond and silky hair, and ofcourse fresh blue eyes.

Have you ever heard someone say "blondes are dumb"? Well if you have don't believe them! I swear he is a living proof of that. Because this boy is as smart as Einstein. Ok maybe not THAT smart but you get the point.

"Hey guys! what are u doing here on a saturday? I mean, I expected Alex to be here but you Angi!! what a surprise!" Marcus shouted.

I high fived him and said "You know me too well. i didn't wanted to come but Mrs. I-always-want-it-my-way literally pointed a gun towards me."

Marcus' sweet and boyish laughter surounded the whole shop. I could see girls looking at him with dreamy eyes, maybe dreaming about banging him but everyone knew that his heart belonged only to a spesciall girl.

The problem was that this spesciall girl had no idea. And he didn't want to tell her because he tought he would ruin their friendship if she said no. This girl was his bestfriend.... and mine.

Yepp ladies and gentelman he had a crush on Alexandra Ray.

I really hope they never get together, if they do I'll feel like a thirdwheel whenever I'm with them.

Just kidding I actually want them to be together. like if someone can control her it's him and visa verse.

I know he used to be a player but everyone deserves a second chance, right? Beside he would never hurt his own bestfriend.

"Shut up both of you. Marcus get us the usuall and make one for yourself too, you're going to have your lunchbreak now, no arguments we are going to eat together." Told ya. she is bossy all the time.

Marcus just mumbeled a 'yes boss' and began working while we tried to find a table.


After eating ice cream we said bye to Marcus. I was laughing my ass off because Marcus looked like a totall tomato.

I secretly made fun of him and embarrassed him infront of his 'love' about them. Ofcousre Alex didn't understand anything, she just thought I had gone crazy and almost called the mentall hospital. And the best part is that I ain't even lying.

I gave my dress to Alex because she came in her car unlike me... Who stole her brothers bike.

I walked to my, I mean my brothers bike after saying goodbye to Lexi (Alex).

The helmet dimpleface gave me was on the seat. I took it and placed it on my head before starting the bike.

I was driving through the clear road. I loved driving fast and since no one was her I decided to do it.

The wind made my hair fly and I felt free. Ifelt like I could fly. I drove faster than my brother ever has.

I slowed down a bit when I was near my house. I looked over to our neighbours house and saw Dimpleface drive in their driveway. I immediatly stopped my bike and made my way over to him. He was about to get of the bike when he saw me through his side mirror. He looked at me for some seconds. our eyes were locked, neither of us dared to break the eye contact. His icy blue eyes were as usuall cold and showed nothing. We were just staring at each other.

But the next thing he did surprised the living shitt out of me.

He ignored me and walked in to his house and without even looking back he slammed the door close. I stood there with wide eyes.

How rude?

I just wanted to give his helmet back and say thanks but now, not even my ass would say thank you to him. To hell with him.



Real life fact: For those of you who haven't guessed it yet. Yepp I love blue eyes!

What do you guys think about this chapter? Yes I deleted the first version of this chapter so don't be confused. I just didn't like it so I wrote this chapter again!

Anyways! I hope you liked this chapter aswell!

What do you think? Good? Bad? Blake was really rude at the end don't you think? Hehe I'm feeling like a devil now :p BUT IF YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER COMMENT DOWN BELOW AND LET ME KNOW! Or just vote... Or just read that works too :p

-Noms xoxo

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