Chapter Two - The Dorms

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"Follow me to the Grand Hall for yer dinner!" The voice calls out to us.

'Who the heck is doing all of this damn screaming?' I think to myself as I walk with the group into the Grand Hall. Upon entering I can see 12 tables big enough to hold at most 210 people maybe a few more if necessary that's if you put them on the ends of the table.

"There's numbers at each table base off of age. Depending on your age depends on where you will be sitting for the school year," A old woman that looks to be in her mid 80's says to us.

"How old are you, Zukunft? Az and I are twelve," Yael asks as she looks around the Grand Hall.

"Twelve too," I say, just to get dragged right after by Yael to a incredible long table with the number 2 glowing above it.

We find our seats in the middle of the table with Az to my left and Yael to my right. We then turn our attention back to the old lady who looks like she is ready to speak again after the last of few students who are standing gets situated.

"Thank you for attending Silverleaf Academy of Magic, we're glad to have all of you as our students. My Name is Ms.Galedom and I am the Headmistress here. If you have any problems here do be sure to report it as soon as possible. Remember that the elder sorce tree in the Millotic forest center is off limits. You may only enter if there is a staff member present. We wouldn't want to have another accident again, would we," She says looking to a group of kids sitting at the table with a glowing 4 above it. "Once dinner is over all new students will come up to the staff table to be examined by the wise owl so you know what class you will be in," After she finsh her speach she sits down in a throne like chair and says "Cheers to a great year and new beginnings!"

Food then appears all the way down the tables and a fire in front of the staff table. "What's the fire for?" I ask Az.

He looks over to it then back to me "Its for the kids who has a god of sorts as a parent. The gods take half of what on their plate as a sacrifice," Az says as he grabs a piece of steak from the table.

"Oh," I say as I put chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn on to my plate.

"What class are you in?" Yael asks me as she drinks her sparkling lemon juice.

"I don't know," I say.

"What do you mean you don't know? You should of gotten your class your first year here when you were ten. Unless your ne-! Oh, wait. Your new aren't you. This is your first year here!" Yael says jumping in her seat a little.

"Yes I am miss obiouius," I say rolling my eyes.

She furrows her eyebrows mumbling the word rude under her breath.

"You know that I can still hear you, right?" I say more as a statement than a question.

"I know!" She says defensively and slightly loud.

"Anyways, who was guiding us earlier?" I ask her.

"The ground keeper. He doesn't actually have a name besides Mr.Nobody." She tells me.

"Okay," I say nod my head and turn back to my food after that and we finish eating our dinner. As soon as all three of us are done there's several clinks on a glass cup signaling for us to quite down.

"We will now be having all of our new students no matter the age come up and form a line youngest to oldest, please, in order for the wise owl to examine and sort you," Ms.Galedom says.

Everyone from table zero along with myself gets up and head towards the staff table and form a line with me at the end. One by one the students approach the wise owl and gets sorted. When they get sorted the wise owl calls out their name and class.

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