Chapter 8

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Toadsworth, being the daddy he is, fights off the evil koopalings with his magical cane and saves all the mushroom people!!! yay he's a hero!!!
"oH eM gEeEeEe tOadSwoRtH iLy dAdDy cAn i hAvE uR aUtoGrapH!1!!1!" scream all the fangirls who now realise what a daddy toadsworth is🤩🤩it's about time he gets the recognition he deserves ffs!!!!
But suddenly, mario randomly turns up!!! And so does peach omg!!!

"toadsworth you biTCH WHY DID YOU LEAVE US GRRRR" screeches peach
"yEah and how daRE YOU try to take over mY place as the mushroom kingdom hero!!! bEgoNE THOTTTT" mario also screeches, as he squirts water at daddy toadsworth from that weird water thing on his back!!

"scREEEEEEEEEEEE yall are so mean!!!" toadsworth runs away, sobbing that everyone is so mean to him!!!! It's just not fair!!!😭😭

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