He proposes (1D)

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Niall: You stood backstage at the One Direction concert, watching your boyfriend fool around on stage with the other boys. They had just finished one of their songs and after goofing around for a few minutes, Niall began to talk into the microphone. "Alright guys... So, the next song, I want to dedicate to my girlfriend (Y/N)..." The crowd erupted in cheers. "Well, if it's dedicated to her, shouldn't she be out here?" Liam asked. Again, the crowd all screamed out yes. Niall smiled. "Alright, (Y/N), come out here princess!" You hesitantly began to walk into view of the audience and Niall came up, kissing your cheek and grabbing your hand, bringing you further to the center of the stage. He made you sit on the couch, while he sat on the arm. "So, as I said, this song is dedicated to (Y/N), and even though it isn't one of our songs, I want you guys to help us!" The soundtrack began playing and immediately, the tune clicked in your head. 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars. All five boys began singing and you could feel the blush. They were nearing the end of the song, when Niall reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. The rest of the boys went quiet so Niall could sing the last few lines by himself. "Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice who cares, baby I think I wanna marry you." When he said the last two words, he got down on one knee in front of you. He had a hopeful look in his eyes. Even though you were in front of thousands of people, you felt no pressure when it came for you to answer. You nodded your head vigorously, even tearing up a little. Niall even had tears in his eyes as he put the ring on your finger and pulled you for a huge hug and kiss. The audience, the boys, even the people backstage were cheering for you two, but when Niall kissed you, it was only the two of you. Nobody else. You stared into his gaze, kissing him once more before going off stage and waiting for him to finish so you could celebrate properly.

Zayn: You loved the beach, it was the one place where you and Zayn could go and actually spend some time alone. Of course there was the occasional fan, but you two normally would go in the evening when there wasn't a lot of people out. Tonight, there was no one. All that could be heard were your footsteps in the sand and the sound of the waves washing up on shore. It was so beautiful and being with Zayn made everything even better. Your eyes landed on something a few feet ahead of you. It looked like candles surrounding some rocks. It was actually quite beautiful. When you got closer, the rocks began to form the shape of a word. "What's that Zayn?" you asked, pointing towards it. "Oh that? Just something I set up for you boo." "What does it say?" you asked, unable to make it out from your distance. "The first one, the one we're looking at says 'Will.' If we keep going, there's more." You were kind of confused but went with it, continuing down the beach until you came across the second one. "Oh, this one says 'you'!" you said, happy that you were able to figure it out. "Come on, there's a couple more I want you to see," Zayn said, pulling gently on your hand and leading you down the beach a few more feet. "Okay, so this next word might give everything away, but can you read it?" he asked, stopping in front of the next word. It took you a second but when you figured out that it read 'marry'. You looked up at Zayn and he looked back down, nodding his head. "We might as well go to the last one, because that's where the ring is." You let out a teary chuckle as he led you to the last one. He let go of your hand and walked towards the 'me'. In the middle of the two letters, a red velvet box sat. Zayn picked it up and opened out, taking out the ring. "So, what do ya say. Will you marry me (Y/N)?" You felt happy tears falling down your cheeks. "Of course I will Zayn." You let out a watery chuckle when he put the ring on your finger. "I love you (Y/N). I can't imagine being with anyone else." "I love you too Zayn." He kissed you and passion filled the air. This man was your future, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Louis: When you woke up, you woke up to an empty bed. Normally Louis would wait for you to wake up, but instead of him, a small folded note replaced him. You figured he had just ran out to pick something up, but the note suggested otherwise. 'Morning babe. You're probably wondering where I went. Well, you're going to have to find out. Your first hint is the place where we had our first date. When you figure it out, somebody will meet you there with your next clue. Love you baby, I'll see you at the end.' You re-read the clue over and over, finally realizing what might be happening. You smiled and wasted no time getting dressed, heading out to the little café where you and Louis had spent your first date. To some people, it wasn't the ideal first date, but to you, spending that time with Louis only made you love him even more. You pulled up to the small building and it hadn't changed at all. It still had that warm, homey feeling when you walked in. You looked around for anyone you might know, and was just about to give up when you saw your best friend sitting at a back table. You smiled and walked over to her, giving her a huge hug when she stood up. She handed you another note. 'So you made it to the first spot! Yay! So now that you've seen your best friend, your next surprise is the place where we had our first kiss. See you soon my love.' You gave your friend another hug and she wished you luck. You headed off to the little park where you and Louis had shared your first kiss. There you were greeted by your father and when you saw him you were nearly in tears. Your father had always been big in your life. You wouldn't be the person you are today without him. You squeezed him tight, not wanting to let go, but had to, knowing Louis was waiting. He handed you another clue and you went on your way. The rest of the day consisted of you traveling around town to a bunch of spots that were special to you. Like where you spent your first anniversary, the first time he told you he loved you, where you spent New Year's, and many others. It was about 9pm and you were on your final clue. 'So you made it this far baby girl, and this is your final clue. Remember the spot that I asked you to be my girlfriend? I'll be waiting there for you babe. Love you.' Finally you would get to see what this was all about. You had a hunch but you didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. You parked your car and began walking towards the small park bench where Louis had asked you to be his girlfriend. There he stood in a navy suit, making your heart flutter. He saw you and stood up, revealing a perfect smile. "You made it!" he chirped. "I did!" you happily exclaimed. "So, I'm gonna get right to it. The day we both sat here, young and in love, I asked you to be my girlfriend. When you said yes, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Today, I still have those feelings. I'm still madly in love with you. So, just like the day you said yes to be my girlfriend, I hope today in the same spot you'll say yes to becoming my wife." Your eyes glassed over with tears. His words touched your heart. "Oh my god Lou... Of course!" You jumped into his arms making him stumble a bit but he held on. He set you back on the ground and pulled out the ring, slipping it onto your finger. "I love you Lou." "I love you too... Mrs. Tomlinson."



Not mine :)

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