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today she had worn ripped black jeans along with a white cropped tank-top and a slightly ripped up black jean jacket with her usual combat boots.

she always looked stunning, but today it was different-you could see the edge to her. to me, she looked marvelous, breath taking even.

she ignored all the stares she received as she walked through the hall, her flawless lips set in a straight line. her usually ice blue eyes now a stormy grayish blue color, which she still looked stunning with.

i was pulled out of a daze by a clap on my back, my best-friend, daniel. "yo, eli." he smirked, as he greeted me using the childhood nickname he'd come up with.

i nodded at him with a smirk, "did you get the money?" i questioned."of course i did, boss." was his curt reply along with a smug smirk.

daniel was the korean heartthrob of the school, he stood at around five foot eleven, midnight black hair, tattoo's, and dark brown eyes. he was my right hand man in the gang, second in command and stood present to all the meetings i couldn't attend.

pushing off the wall i finally decided to make my way to my first class-which i had with anastasia. everyone gawked as i passed, my lips forming a smirk as i winked at a few of the girls. i had a reputation to uphold, even if my eyes we're only for anastasia.

finally arriving i walked in, five minutes late as usual. "and why exactly are you late to my class this time, mr.cole?" mrs.fitsgerald, my science teacher asked accusingly. "well, actually, i was looking for the fucks i give about this class." i responded, winking and walking to the back of the class and to my seat-away from the red faced teacher who was most likely trying not to quit her job.

i looked around the class for anastasia, who wasn't in her seat across from me--the other corner closes to the window where she'd usually be doodling intricate flowers or eyes which held all the pain in the world, such depth the ocean would be jealous.

'she's always in here on time' i thought to myself, cracking my knuckles which caused a few heads to turn along with a "scary" glare from the sixty year old teacher sitting at the front of the room before everyone's attention was turned to the gem who had just opened the door.


the raven haired girl stood in the doorway of the classroom, her facial expression stony, a cigarette pack dangling from the tips of her fingers-the taste of them still lingering in her mouth along with the breath strip she'd taken moments before walking in.

"and where exactly have you been?" mrs.fitsgerald questioned, just as she had done to the male who's eyes hadn't left the beauty at the front of the room. "i was too busy to attend the beginning of your class because i was selling my soul to the devil, won't happen again." she replied in monotone which caused many of her classmates eyes to widen, including elijah's.

the gray haired woman's face turned a shade of bright red as she looked around the classroom before glaring at the girl and muttering about how annoying the teenagers at the school were.

the only sounds heard in the classroom were stifled giggles and the scruff of anastasia's combat boots against the tiled floors, soft, barely audible whispers, along with the faint voices in the classroom next door.

he was amazed, adverting his eyes from her before she could catch on to his stare, she was constantly on guard and observant of her surroundings, as if she thought something was going to come out and attack her at any minute.

the shrill bell rang throughout the school, halls filled with bodies as students met up to talk to their friends, smoked, or went into the bathroom. the students in mrs.fitsgerald's class filed out in a cluster, yet avoiding bumping into both anastasia and elijah as they rushed away from the slightly balding old lady, matching detention slips in both elijah and anastasia's hands.

classed passed by surprisingly quickly until everyone's favorite, lunch. groups of friends sat together, gossiping and giggling-couples making out-and jocks throwing footballs outside of the cafeteria. conversation slowed down, halting suddenly once the cafeteria doors were pushed opened by elijah, daniel, and their other best-friend-nick.

nickolas white, star football player and third hottest guy in prescot high. strawberry blonde hair any girl would dream of running their hands through along with adorable freckles what made girls melt. he stood around the same height as daniel, usual football player build.

the three of them made their way to their table in the middle of the cafeteria, alone, conversation picking up once again before a slap rang around the room, causing everyone head to turn. brittany, the usual blonde bimbo head cheerleader had a hand slightly raised, anastasia, a stone cold expression on her face.

oh shit was the first thing that crossed elijah's mind. anastasia, on the other hand, was now smirking, her stormy eyes now a darker shade. "if you're going to hit me, at least know how to, bitch." she whispered, pulling her fist back slowly before slamming it into the girls soft skin with such strength her knuckles split open. a crack sounded throughout the large room-blood immediately beginning to gush from the bimbo's nose.

anastasia only stepped over her, backpack slung over her shoulder-cigarette between her plump, slightly chapped lips as she walked out of the cafeteria, door slamming behind her as the helpless girl laid on the ground, nose still gushing as she screamed at her friends to help her.


"did that really just...happen?" nick asked, eyebrows raised. nick had never been rendered speechless, so, this was definitely something...different? daniel nodded and i just stayed silent, staring at the door anastasia had just walked out of.

brittany was finally picked up and taken to the nurses office, a pool of blood trailing behind her as she held her now what i'm guessing is broken nose.

conversation had sparked up once again, everyone gossiping about what had just happened or talking about how "hot" anastasia looked when she threw the punch.

[ A/N: hii! so i just reedited this cause it sounded like a good idea instead of having one super small chapter then larger ones aaand i hope you guys like it but if not tough shit xoxo,]

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