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In a kingdom far away from here there lived a man and his wife, they were happy together until the man did something unspeakable, thinking the man got away with it the king later found out. Summoning the man to the throne room alone with the king his punishment was to take his first born child, and the man agreed if it meant he didn't have to spend the rest of his life as a slave. Years down the road never telling his wife and forgetting what he did he had a child, when the king found out all he could do was sigh as he stood up from his throne and walked to the house the man, his wife, and his newborn daughter owned. As two knows on the door indicated that the king was there the man's wife answered the door with the child in her hands "hello your majesty." was said with a slight bow "the child hand her over." the king said in a stern voice "what do you mean." the woman questioned the king for his actions. Suddenly the man rushed into the room with the king and his wife "run" the man told his wife, listening she ran out the back door, the king however knew where she was going so he sent his men to the back to catch her and grab the child so they grabbed the woman and her child. The king walked to the center of the town that he ruled and held the child for all to see. "Everyone." he announced to get their attention. "The father of this child has done something unspeakable so this is his punishment." As people gathered around they stared in shock and curiosity "As his punishment this child will be chained to the bottom of the ocean." putting the child down and cradling her as the king turned to walk the crowd moved to make path so the king and his guards to walk to the ocean with the kings men carrying chains. As they arrived at the edge of the clift only silence was heard beside the cries of the mother of the child and the chains moving with each small movement that the kings men made. "Now my men shall put the chains on the child." As the king said that the mother ran and pushed people as she was screaming begging them not to take the child, however the king has made his decision and she will not be changing it. "Guards hold her back i don't want her interfering with this." Once the king finished the guards that where standing there making sure that everything was going smoothly started walking to hold the woman back. The guards started putting the chains on the young child, once they finished the king dropped the child into the ocean. After a few seconds all that was heard was a splash then silence the child was now under water the process of what was supposed to be death just might of turned into something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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