Snack Bar Duty.

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   We were given a choice today. A long list of things to do around the park or snack bar duty. Rigby, being the sugar addict, chose the snack bar. He soon regretted his choice when Benson said we couldn't eat any of the snacks.


   It was a little quiet as we stood inside of the bar. No one comes to the snack bar. Ever.

   I had one question in my head to ask Rigby. It itched at my mind and pecked at my insides. All until I finally gathered up the courage to ask.

   "Why did you do it? There has to be some reason." I looked at Rigby who was not looking back at me but at the empty space before us.

   His words were more emotional than himself, and even then his words were flat and straight forward.

   "I wanted to. I didn't like you and Margaret kissing. I wanted to be that person, dude. So... I made me that person."

   "Okay, why have you been so honest with me lately?" I have a tight grip on his shoulders, now. I forced him to face me, even if he didn't look me in the eye.

   And he did just that. His expressionless gaze fell to our feet or maybe the small space between it.

   "I can change ya know." He shrugged.

   I rolled my eyes and sighed at his short responce.

   "You can't just wake up and decide to start admitting everything to me! If we were capable of doing that, I'd do it, too! Now tell me the truth, Rigby." My eyes shot daggers at him and I knew he felt them piercing into the top of his skull.

   Rigby slumped to his knees and cradled himself into a ball against the wall. I wouldn't be shocked if he started sucking his thumb at this point.

   "Yeah. You're right. But Mordecai, I found myself thinking about you for minutes, hours, days, weeks... Now I can't stop. I wasn't sure why. When I was thinking, I started to mentally trust you. I got really caught up in these... these dreams and thoughts about you... I don't think I like you the way I used to."

   He slowly lifted his head up to me to reveal an upset stare.

   "Sleeping and cuddling with you. Kissing you. I love it. I...

   I love you."

Mordecai and RigbyWhere stories live. Discover now