3 a.m.

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   We finished our daily labor for today and it was time for some video games. Even though Rigby and I were in desperate need for a shower after being outside all day, we chose to play some classics.

   I wasn't even sure what game Rigby put into the system but I honestly didn't care. I was too busy thinking.

   Why was Eileen so... Insane? She's usually so mellow and calm and back at the coffe shop, she was neither of the two. I couldn't wrap my head around why she would do something so drastic over a break up. She went nuts!

   Then I thought about Rigby. I thought about him telling me he loves me, I thought about how I asked him to sleep with me then he took up the offer. Our bond has been twisted into something else. But what? I'm not gay. Rigby doesn't act gay. He dates girls and I've never seen him lay an eye on some modelesque man in public.

   I'm not sure what to think about all of this, honestly.

   I was snapped out of my thoughts when Rigby started screaming and shouting at me.

   "MORDECAAIIII." Rigby threw his hands in my face. They're so small.

   "What, dude?" I pushed his puny hands away.

   Rigby sighed and took a second before he spoke by scowling at me. "I've been talking to you for an hour!" He exagerates so much. "You didn't say a word!"

   Ignoring him fumed him up so much. That short boy get's mad so easily.

   I checked the time to see how late it was. It's 3 a.m.

   My heart started raising when I realized how late it was. ITS 3 A.M.


   "Rigby we need to go to bed! We gotta get up early and if we don't, Benson will fire us!" We've slept in too many times and if we do it again, Benson will have our asses for it.

   To my surprise, Rigby didn't fuss to have at least 10 more minutes. He simply walked up stairs after shrugging his shoulders. That's bizzar.

   I followed behind him and plopped into bed. I had about 3 layers of blankets on me. Like I said, I get cold easily.

   Rigby snuggled under the cotton blankets and pressed his back against me. He was so warm and he made my temperature in my cheeks rise. I knew I was blushing. But why? Maybe it's some crazy hormones that just don't mean anything. I've never had a companion in bed before so maybe my body is just making my feel weird things. Tingly things.


   "Mordecai," Rigby started.


   "Yeah, dude?"

   "Thanks," Rigby paused for a long yawn. "You're awesome and I'm glad you've been here for me even when I act like a hole. I..." He yawned once more. "Lo... I l..."

   Rigby dosed off before finishing but I knew what he said. I smiled sweetly to myself.

   I wrapped my arm around his skinny body and pulled him close.

   "Yeah, yeah. I love you too."

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