Chapter 2

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omg is toadsworth ok!!!!! read on to find out!!!

"oH mY gAwD tOadsWorTh aRe yOu oKay?1?1?1" daddy toadsworth could hear peach call out his name!!! no he's not ok you dumbass bitch he's dYING!!!!
suddenly, a gush of water hits him in the face and he's suddenly feeling better wtf!!! he gets up off the floor to see the dumbass toads covered in that paint stuff
"Smh I told them so ffs" toadsworth mumbled to himself.
when he looks around, he notices all the goop has gone!!! omg it's a miracle!!!
"yassss master mario well done boi for cleaning it up, now we can enjoy our holiday xxx"
"nOT SO FAST" a giant police pianta screams at mario before picking him up and taking him with him!!! "mARIOOOOOO" peach screams as per usual
that weird water thing on mario's back seems to disapprove of this giant police pianta as well tbh

will toadsworth and the gang have a relaxing holiday now the goop has gone??? will mario stay in jail for the rest of his life now??? find out in chapter 3!!!

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