Chapter 4

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Elena's POV
"Ugh this drive is so long but I'm almost there. Just a few more miles." I say to myself rolling my eyes wondering if Jeremy is upset with me. My phone rings I decline the call. It was Damon. It rings again. This time Stefan. I pick it up.
"What Stefan?"
"Where are you? Get back here now!" I heard the angry in his voice.
"THIS IS MY LIFE. NOT YOURS STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" I scream into the phone and hang up. I rolled down my window and throw it out really hard.
Bonnie's POV
Jeremy just called me freaking out I grabbed my things and rush over there. I barge in and yell "locator spell now" Jeremy comes running down.. he grabs and knife and cuts his hand. He pours his blood on the map. And I work my magic.
"New Orleans" I say.
Stefan and Damon use their vamp speed and exits the house. I try calling Elena but it didn't go through.
Elena's POV
I pull up to the Mikaelsons' house. Before I even get out of the car, Klaus vamps to the door. He opens it for me and gives me a smirk.
"Hello love. Thank you for deciding to join me." Wow. That was cute. Woah no I can't think an evil monster like him is at all cute in any way. I try to ignore my thoughts. "Not like I had much of a choice." I gave him my annoyed look. "You threatened to kill my brother" I roll my eyes as he guides me inside.
Damon's POV
A few hours later we make it to New Orleans. We pull over to a bar and compel the worker to tell us where Klaus is.
"At his house." The worker says.
"Give is his address." I say with a mad look.
He writes it down and we rush out.
A few minutes later we pull up to his place. We vamp to the door and opened it. We tried to get in but we weren't able to. "Elena! Elena!" I shouted. She came downstairs. With Klaus. "Let's go" I said looking at Klaus with an angry look. "No" She says. "What? Why?" Stefan shouts. "Because Klaus was never going to really kill Jeremy. We planned it. I'm in love with him. That's why I left you Damon. I wanted someone else." "HE IS COMPELLING YOU!" I shout. "No he isn't. I came to him and told him to do this." She says calming. She grabs his hand and smiles.  "Whatever lets go Stefan." Damon says and storms off.
Elena's POV
I just lied about loving Klaus so that they would stop trying to get me to come back. I look at Klaus and point to my ear and then put my finger on my mouth and I grab some paper and wrote down that it was all lies just so they would stop.
Klaus POV
Elena just held my hand and it felt nice. But mainly when she say she was in love with me. It felt good. I think a part of me feels for her. I grab her hand and take her to my art room. I smile at her. "This one is of you." I turn it over and she smiles. She looks shocked "It's amazing." She starts looking around. "Klaus these are amazing." I smile. "Come on love let's get some rest." I guide her up to my room. "Where am I sleeping?"
"Right here" I tell her.
"Where are you sleeping?"
"I guess on the couch downstairs" I start to walk out.
"No! Wait we can share the bed." She smiles.
Her smile is so beautiful. So is she.

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