Chapter 1

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                  Elena's pov

Dear diary,
It has been a lousy week Stefan and Damon are away on a 'bonding trip' doing god knows what, Caroline has been away with her new boyfriend Blake, Bonnie and Jeremy well they have been 'hanging out' but I have a feeling they are doing more than just hanging, and I have broken up with Damon I no longer want to be with him or Stefan I don't know why but I feel like I'm missing someone.
"Elena!" I heard Jeremy scream from downstairs "just a sec!" I scream to him I put my diary behind my picture of a horse that lies right above my bed and I walk downstairs and I see the man I hate Klaus he has a hold of my brothers neck. "Klaus let him go!" "Well hello love" "Why are you here Klaus?" "Well Elena I am glad you asked" Klaus said with a smirk  "As you know you are the doppelganger and I need your blood to create more hybrids" he paused "I need you to come with me and in return I give you my word that no harm with come to your brother" he let go of Jeremy's neck and pushed him to the side "so if i come with you then Jeremy won't be harmed?" I asked giving Klaus that 'fuck you look' "yes we will leave tonight" Klaus said walking to the door "don't worry love I only want you for your blood and you shall return to Mystic Falls when I feel as I have plenty of hybrids I will be here at 8:00 be ready or I will kill your brother" Klaus warned and just walked out.

Klaus and Elena Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ